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HomeBUSINESSStorytelling: A Marketing Springboard To Boost The Development Of Your Business!

Storytelling: A Marketing Springboard To Boost The Development Of Your Business!

Storytelling seems to be on everyone’s lips in communication, but what exactly does this buzzword mean? Maybe you think storytelling is a new marketing concept because you’ve never heard of it. Think again! If we try to understand Shakespeare’s language, we quickly translate that “storytelling” simply means “telling stories.”

We can go back to the dawn of time to realize that history comprises many stories… But back to our sheep because what interests us is the storytelling applied to companies. Rather than promoting their products or services in a “raw” way, brands have gradually understood the interest and the power of playing on emotions.

Telling a story based on the values ​​of the brand and the message it wishes to convey has more influence in attracting its customers than aggressive and intrusive advertising. The objective of a brand: to activate the various emotional levers to create a stronger and more lasting relationship between the brand and its customers.

What Are The Advantages Of Doing Storytelling For A Company?

If you are not sure that you can take the step to implement this marketing technique, know that storytelling can be the solution that will help you stand out from your competitors.

Indeed, this marketing solution has several advantages:

  • Create virality and develop your notoriety
  • Unite your customers and prospects around the values ​​of your brand/company
  • Strike the spirits through your staging and your message
  • Strengthen your brand image
  • Retain your customers who, thanks to the emotions released, will be more engaged around your products and services
  • Get ahead of your competitor’s thanks to a unique identity

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Some examples of brands that have a strong identity thanks to storytelling

Big brands have been there. Coca-Cola, Nike, Apple, Cartier… All these brands have the gift of embarking us each time in a unique universe through their advertisements. This is what makes their identity today.

Nike: “Share Your Story.”

A few years ago, Nike took a turn in its communication. When they were second only to Reebok, Nike moved to become more than a sports brand. It would subsequently be a clothing brand that goes beyond one’s limits. This is how his famous slogan “Just do it” was born. In the following advertisement, the brand is inspired by the career of young Brooklyn footballer, Abdoulaye Coumbassa, to send a clear message to young people. Everything is possible and achievable with motivation and … Nike. Here, the brand appeals to hope and motivation to capture the attention of its audience. It’s simple, with Nike, your dreams come true.

Apple: Unique Ads For A Strong Identity

Storytelling specialist, the brand with the famous Apple even dispenses with words to promote its new product, the Apple Watch. Only a scenario and beautiful images of everyday life are enough to illustrate its message: the Apple Watch is here. It is essential. Here, Apple plays on the human and the scenarios of everyday life to promote its product and make its audience understand that it is essential.

Cartier: More Than An Advertisement… A Film!

Ok, Cartier went all out: a budget of more than 4 million euros to make his film “L’Odyssée” which lasts about 3 minutes. It’s excessive! The icon of the famous brand, a panther, lives multiple adventures worldwide. But, in the end, it is pretty docile that she returns to her mistress. A woman who wears Cartier can have the world at her feet; even wild animals cannot resist her.

Wearing Cartier Is, In A Way, Having Power

Here, the brand uses a scenario worthy of a fantasy film to transport its audience into its magical and romantic universe. Elegance and excess are priceless. Cartier is more than a brand; it’s an adventure. All these examples make you dizzy… Indeed, this corresponds to large budgets on behalf of major brands. But storytelling isn’t just for grown-ups! Storytelling is also a communication lever that any company can use to boost its image and create interaction with its customers. But how exactly?

How To Adapt The Storytelling Technique To Your Company?

Storytelling is not just about telling a story. It’s about giving a soul to your brand and bringing it to life with your customers. This, therefore, requires the use of considerable means. All your communication media must reflect your identity: website, name, logo, brochure, emailing, newsletter, etc.

See in each medium the opportunity to strengthen your image and convince your customers that you are the ideal company that meets their needs. Seducing your customers will require you to put reason aside and play more on emotions! You will succeed in reaching the hearts of your audience through laughter, tears, fear, anger, compassion, etc. And it is also by feeling these emotions that your prospects/customers will remember you.

But before you jump headlong into an adventure or other scenario, you need to think about your strategy. What message do you want to convey? What media do you intend to use? Your website? A video? Your goal is to successfully capture your customers’ attention and build a genuine relationship with them. If your story touches them, they will forget more about your price, the competition & co. Emotion is more potent than reason, so target the one you want to create in them.

Also Read: Influencer Marketing: What Are The Advantages For Brands

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