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CRM For TPE: How To Choose Well?

CRM programming is for something other than enormous organizations. Little designs should likewise deal with their client relationship to foster their turnover. Along these lines, they can change possibilities into clients and hold those they have gained. To address the client relationship of your VSE, it is to your most significant advantage to put resources into a CRM adjusted to its size.

What Is A CRM For TPE?

Before examining the handiness of a CRM for VSEs, it is ideal to return to the actual meaning of this product. CRM (Client Relationship with The executives) is a CRM (client relationship with the board) device. It unifies an organization with all our client and prospect information.

 This arrangement permits every one of the administrations of the design (showcasing, deals, client support, after-deals administration, and so on) to get to the data of its contacts effortlessly. All the more explicitly, it gives a 360° perspective on possibilities and clients, including their profiles and the historical backdrop of their communications with the organization. 

The last option can utilize this information to refine its insight into its contacts to address their issues better. Because of the capitalization of data, the CRM device helps set up a more powerful prospecting and steadfastness procedure. Likewise, this product makes it conceivable to advance the administration of business exercises.

 The Benefits Of A CRM For TPE

Despite its small size, your TPE must take care of all tasks: marketing, commercial management, sales administration, etc. Instead of investing in different tools dedicated to each, it is wise to set up CRM software. This unique solution allows you to manage your company’s activities. Cost reduction is, therefore, one of the main advantages of a CRM.

This tool makes managing the contacts of your TPE (prospects and customers, but also suppliers) more accessible. Concretely, you can manage your relationships, business, and partnerships. The benefits of a CRM for your TYPE are still numerous.


Time-saving is another significant benefit of a small business CRM. It is linked to automating specific repetitive tasks such as creating and updating contact files, sending emails, making appointments, etc. In practice, these tasks take place independently without the need for effort.

This frees up valuable time that you can use for other work. In other words, CRM increases productivity within your TPE. On the other hand, automation minimizes errors and oversights that inevitably occur when there is human intervention. Logically, it reduces the costs caused by these problems.

Boost Sales

The use of a CRM for TPE will also allow you to improve your sales. As mentioned above, this software helps to develop an effective prospecting strategy. In concrete terms, you will be able to deploy marketing campaigns that are both massive and targeted thanks to its module dedicated to emailing. 

Prospects receiving the right message at the right time will be more likely to purchase. At the same time, a CRM can help your sales team close more deals with existing customers. To do this, it is enough to analyze their data to determine their needs and offer them an offer likely to interest them.

Improve Your Customer Relationship

Nowadays, customers are more and more demanding. In particular, they want their requests met as soon as possible. Thanks to automation, the CRM software for TPE will allow your sales team, as well as your customer service, to respond to their requests and provide them with assistance as soon as possible.

On the other hand, customers now want a personalized experience. You can offer it to them by using the centralized data within the CRM. In any case, this tool will help you retain your customers because they will know that you can respond quickly and precisely to their needs.

A Single Database

The centralization of all your contact information in a single database is undoubtedly one of the best assets of a CRM for your TYPE. Your employees can easily find the data they need at any time. For example, your sales team will have essential information at their fingertips, such as:

  1. The full name of a contact;
  2. His telephone number ;
  3. His email address;
  4. His possible relations with your other communications.

Thanks to this different information, it becomes straightforward to personalize interactions with your prospects and customers. In short, the CRM will offer your TPE a real competitive advantage.

Prerequisites For The Integration Of A CRM For TPE

The integration of a CRM for TPE is a challenging project. It must be carefully prepared and follow well-defined steps. Its success greatly depends on it. You should know that despite the advantages enjoyed with a CRM, 60% of related projects fail. Different reasons can explain this situation. It may, in particular, be due to a delay in deployment. The non-adherence of users to the solution is also very often the cause.

Indeed, adopting a CRM involves all sorts of changes. These can be light. That said, people who are supposed to use the tool are likely to object to it due to entrenched habits. This is the reason why a change management process must accompany the integration of a CRM. But first, other prerequisites are essential to implement a CRM within your TPE successfully.

Define Your Needs

The first step in preparing a CRM project is to define your needs. Only choose to deploy such software within your TPE if most companies do. Your decision must be motivated by a genuine need. To explain it, you can ask yourself several questions:

  1. Why do you want to integrate a CRM into your business?
  2. What are your needs in terms of customer relations?
  3. What goals do you want to achieve with the implementation of a CRM?

Identifying the need to be met by setting up a CRM will help you set clear objectives. It will also allow you to determine the different functionalities the integrated solution must include. Consider consulting your co-workers. This can help you define your needs more precisely.

Write A Specification

The drafting of specifications (CDC) is an essential step in the context of the integration of a CRM for TPE. It will allow you to structure your project. Thanks to this document, the various service providers you will contact will be able to identify your expectations in terms of CRM and offer you the appropriate solution. It still needs to be precise.

  1. A good specification must include the following:
  2. A presentation of your company and its activity;
  3. A description of your need;
  4. A display of your CRM project with its objectives;
  5. A description of the functionalities sought;
  6. A list of use cases for future software.

Choose A Good Integrator

The integrator’s role is to deploy your CRM software within your TPE. His choice should not be made lightly. This provider must indeed have a perfect command of the tool you have selected. To be fixed on the question, find out about its certifications. Delivered by the editor, these attest to the expertise of the integrator. Feel free to learn about the CRM projects a service provider has already carried out. Also, choose an integrator who knows your industry well. In this way, he will be able to fully understand your needs and the challenges of deploying a CRM in your TPE. In this sense, Apogaea, an integrator for more than 20 years, is an expert in the field of CRM. Contact us.

Support Your Teams

The integration of CRM software creates new processes for your teams. Be sure to accompany them to allow them to familiarize themselves with it. This is essential for overcoming resistance to change. The accompaniment supposes, in particular, a formation.

Thanks to this, your employees can appropriate the CRM more easily. If they are comfortable using the tool, they will gradually forget their reservations about it. To promote the adoption of your CRM, you must also involve your teams from the start of your project. To do this:

  1. Listen to their needs as well as their fears.
  2. Explain to them the benefits of implementing customer relationship management software.
  3. Keep them informed of the project’s progress throughout its implementation so as not to catch them off guard once the CRM is operational.

Choose Your CRM For TPE

A CRM is intended to optimize your customer relationship management to boost the growth of your VSE. However, it would be best if you chose it well to take full advantage of it. It is counterproductive to set your sights on CRM software for large enterprises. This type of solution is most often complex. You then risk ending up with cumbersome or unnecessary features that will demotivate your teams and dissuade them from adopting the tool.

Also, be sure to make your choice with a long-term perspective. It is not profitable to opt for a solution you will have to replace after one or two years, for example. Setting up a CRM for TPE requires a substantial investment. A second integration occurs quickly after the first risks damaging your company’s finances. Moreover, you will likely lose data, and your collaborators will undoubtedly be discouraged by a new change.

What Criteria?

It would help if you considered several criteria for choosing a CRM adapted to your TPE. The cost of the software is the first. Integrating a CRM requires establishing a budget beforehand. To do this, it is usually necessary to determine the number of end users. In addition to the acquisition cost of the solution, it is also essential to consider the following:

  1. The cost of integration;
  2. Infrastructure and maintenance costs in case you opt for On-Premise software.

The prices on the market are very variable, so take the time to examine them and compare them to find the offer that suits you. Apart from the cost of the CRM, here are the main criteria to remember to choose the best solution for your TYPE.


Modularity has the advantage of offering you CRM software for VSEs that embeds all the features you need. Concretely, you will have the functionalities that meet the specificities of your company and its sector of activity. On the other hand, there will be no redundant functionalities 

which will complicate the use of the tool and increase its cost. Keep in mind, however, that your business needs will change as it grows. Therefore, your CRM should be more than just modular. It also needs to be scalable. You will not be forced to alter CRM along the way.

Easy To Integrate

The ease of integration is another significant criterion when choosing a CRM for your TPE. Solutions that include native connectors are the easiest to deploy. Created directly by the publishers, these make connecting a CRM with third-party tools easy. Their activation is done with a single click without leaving the software.

In addition, your CRM must be easy to use. It would help if you favored a solution with an ergonomic and intuitive interface. Your teams will have less difficulty getting to grips with it, which will speed up its integration into their daily lives.

Interconnection With The Existing

Various software is undoubtedly already in place in your TPE. CRM should be another tool with real added value. It must allow you to increase your productivity. It must naturally integrate into the existing technological environment to guarantee optimal use. 

This is also why it is advisable to opt for a solution that allows native integration. Before selecting a CRM, list all the software deployed within your company and identify the ones you plan to continue using. Then, check their compatibility with the CRM software you plan to implement.

Which CRM To Choose?

The CRM offer for TPE is vast today, so it can take time to identify the best solution for your company. To make your choice easier, start by determining the mode of acquisition that suits you between:

  1. On-premises mode. On-Premise CRM software will be installed on the company’s servers. This option implies purchasing a license from the editor and the realization of the maintenance by the customer himself. It requires a fairly significant initial investment, but this can be quickly amortized. In addition, the On-Premise CRM is accessible without the Internet and offers many possibilities for customization;
  2. SaaS mode (Software as a Service). Here, the CRM is hosted in the cloud. It is, therefore, accessible at any time via an internet connection. With this option, the maintenance is carried out by the supplier.

Are you still hesitating about the choice of CRM to implement in your TPE? The solutions below are likely to meet your needs.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is a modular tool suitable for companies of all sizes. It is one of the most robust customer relationship management software available today. Your employees will be able to use this CRM with an intuitive interface. 

  1. Realization of marketing campaigns on several channels;
  2. Identification of new business opportunities through an overview of customers;
  3. Personalization of customer service;
  4. Customer loyalty.

On the other hand, the collaboration between your different departments will be significantly improved thanks to Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM.

Wise CRM

Sage CRM is a customer relationship management software dedicated to VSEs and SMEs. It stands out for its flexibility and ease of handling. This solution is also highly customizable. All you have to do is determine the modules needed to grow your business.

In particular, you can choose between marketing campaign management, sales force management, and customer service management. Thanks to Sage CRM, you can set up targeted marketing campaigns. Also, this software will help you deploy personalized and responsive customer service. In short, it will allow you to optimize your business management.

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