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How To Choose A Laptop?

Do you want to buy a laptop but are an absolute computer novice? Don’t panic; I’ll help you! This article will be a laptop-buying guide that I hope will answer any questions you may have. Here we go! The first question you must ask yourself is: What type of use do I need a laptop for? Instead of office automation? Multimedia? To play? It’s up to you!

Once you have answered this first question, answer this second question: What is your budget? 300, 500, 700, or 1000 euros? Have fun! Now that everything is transparent in your head, we can finally get down to business: the technical specifications of your future laptop.

Screen Size

For a smooth start, let’s talk about the screen size of your future laptop. Whether on an e-commerce site, in a supermarket, or in a specialized store, the size of computer screens is generally expressed in inches. But then which size to choose?

If you are looking for an easy-to-carry laptop for your trips by metro, bus, train, plane, etc., you will need to choose a relatively compact screen size between 11 and 14 inches. On the other hand, if it is to do office automation at home, a screen size between 15 and 17 inches will do very well. And finally, if it’s for multimedia or games, I recommend a minimum of 17 inches. Is your choice made? Perfect! Let’s move on.

The Processor

What is this machine? Is that important? The processor is an electronic component found in many electronic devices, including computers. Yes, but then? What should I watch?  First of all, know that you can choose between two processor brands: Intel or AMD. 

Then you will have Dual Core (double hearts) or Quad Core (four seats) processors on both sides. You tell yourself that the more cores the processor has, the more powerful it will be. And you are not entirely wrong, but you will see later that this is not always the case. To help you identify dual-core and quad-core processors, I invite you to look at the small list below:

Intel Processors

Intel Celeron: Dual Core

  1. Intel Core M: Dual Core
  2. Intel Core i3: Dual Core
  3. Intel Core i5: Quad Core
  4. Intel Core i7: Quad Core

AMD Processors

  1. AMD A4: Quad Core
  2. AMD A6: Quad Core
  3. AMD A8: Quad Core
  4. AMD A10: Quad Core
  5. AMD Pro A12: Quad Core

Now you’re wondering which are more powerful and which are less good. For this, I invite you to look at the two lists above, which are also classified by order of power, the least efficient being positioned at the top. Should I opt for a Dual Core or Quad Core processor? Well, it depends on your needs and your budget.

 If you use CPU-intensive software (Photoshop, Pinnacle Studio, etc.), prefer a Quad-Core Intel Core i5/i7 processor or an AMD A10/ProA12. On the other hand, if it is for office and Internet use, you can settle for an entry-level processor such as an Intel Celeron/Core i3 or AMD A4/6/8. Note that you can also consult the benchmark sites to make your choice.

Living Memory

Regarding memory (RAM), I would say that 4 GB is a minimum and that 8 GB would be a plus (normal ^^) if you are using robust, very greedy software. Beyond 8 GB, it is not applicable. Very few software or games use more than 8 GB of RAM.

Graphic Card

Opt for a dedicated graphics card if you want to play with your laptop. A high-end graphics solution such as GeForce GTX will be necessary for the most demanding games. A GeForce 7 Series or 8 Series will do for the less greedy. On the other hand, if your primary use will be office automation or the Internet, a graphics card integrated into the processor will be sufficient.

Hard Disk (HDD) And/Or SSD

If your budget allows it,  choose a laptop equipped with an SSD (Solid State Drive), possibly associated with one or more hard drives. An SSD is much faster, quieter, and uses less energy than a traditional hard drive. You will see the difference, I guarantee it. On the other hand, if your budget does not allow it, choose a laptop PC equipped with at least a 7200 rpm hard drive rather than one at 5400 rpm. The difference isn’t huge, but that’s still winning.


For standard connectivity, you need at least the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules, an Ethernet port, an HDMI video output, an audio port, an SD card reader, and at least 2 or 3 USB 3.0 ports. If you have that, that’s great.


As you will understand, choosing a laptop takes work. There are many models on the market, and there is something for everyone and every budget. If you have any doubts about your choice, don’t hesitate to ask for advice on the forum ( Equipment advice – Purchases & Sales ), I would be happy to answer you.

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