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HomeTECHNOLOGYThe Most Used Operating Systems In 2023

The Most Used Operating Systems In 2023

Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux… Working frameworks are the core of innovative gadgets, whether on a PC, a cell phone, or a tablet. These are the systems that power these various gadgets, directing our communications with the computerized world. Information on operating system patterns is of urgent significance in the field of programming and application advancement. 

Understanding the dissemination of working frameworks permits engineers to actually focus on their crowd, fitting their PC projects to line up with client inclinations. This data guides choices about usefulness, execution advancement, and security. It is an important resource, adding to the formation of additional proficient items that address the issues of a different crowd. 

This article analyzes the conveyance of pieces of the pie between the working frameworks that prevail in the ongoing business sector on the planet and in India. Utilizing information from Statcounter, we will likewise examine their advancement throughout the long term, contingent upon the media (PC, versatile, and tablet).

Evolution Of Market Shares Of The Main Computer OSes


Windows, developed by Microsoft, is one of the most iconic operating systems. Since its launch in 1985, it has enjoyed steady dominance in the personal computer market. This consistency is the result of a long history of innovation, updates, and its ability to adapt to changing user needs. Professionals widely use Windows, but it is also ubiquitous in homes. Most PCs run on this OS, making it a standard choice for users. Over time, its market share has decreased only slightly: 93% in 2010 and 76% in 2022. Today, Windows continues to reign supreme in the computer market. 

MacOS (OS X)

Formerly, OS Adoption of this system is particularly strong among creative professionals. However, it has also gained popularity among the general public due to its seamless integration with other Apple devices, such as the iPhone and iPad. Even though it remains far behind Windows, MacOS maintains a significant presence on the market today. To illustrate this, its global market share is 16% in 2022, compared to 5% in 2010.

Chrome OS And Linux

Google’s Chrome OS operating system has seen considerable success recently. The main reason is its adoption in the education sector and the ultraportable lightweight computer market. Chrome OS has a share equivalent to that of Linux in the global market. In 2022, the market share of Chrome OS is 2.6%, while that of Linux is 2.5%. Note that Linux is mainly present in professional environments and servers.

Evolution Of Market Shares Of The Main Mobile OS


Launched in 2008, Android has become the undisputed leader in the smartphone market. In 2012, Google’s operating system and Apple’s operating system were neck and neck with approximately 24% market share each. At the time, first place in the ranking was occupied by Symbian (30%), an OS widely adopted by Nokia brand phones. From 2013, Android will experience dazzling success, which will propel it to the rank of the most-used mobile operating system in the world. 

This success can be explained by several factors: the diversity of smartphone manufacturers using Android, the flexibility of the system as well as its open-source model. Android offers a robust platform for developers, leading to a plethora of applications and innovations. Its expansion beyond smartphones to other devices, such as tablets and IoT-connected devices, makes it a major force in the mobile technology space. Since 2017, we have seen stability in the Android mobile market share, which is around 70%.


The OS developed by Apple is a key player in the evolution of mobile systems. Introduced in 2007 with the launch of the iPhone, it ushered in an era of revolutionary smartphones. The main reason for its success is its reputation for quality and safety, which characterizes the products and systems developed by the Apple brand. Regarding iOS, it offers a coherent ecosystem and provides a range of high-quality applications via the App Store.

It was in 2013 that the gap in market share between iOS (25%) and Android (39%) began to widen. The recent adoption of the M1 and M2 chips strengthens the unification of the Apple ecosystem. iOs thus remains an essential force in the world of mobile operating systems, appreciated for their elegant design, user-friendliness, and seamless integration. Since 2021, iOS has held a market share estimated at around 28% worldwide. 

Evolution Of Market Shares Of The Main Tablet OSes


Since the launch of the iPad in 2010, iOS has maintained a dominant position in the tablet market. Apple’s philosophy explains this preeminence focused on user experience, product quality, and integration with other devices of the brand. The iPad has become an essential tool in education, businesses, and homes. Apple’s App Store, rich in apps optimized for tablets, also contributes to its popularity.

During the year 2021, out of 6.9 million tablets sold, Apple’s iPad sales stood at 3.1 million units or 45% of the global market. While its competitors recorded a decrease in sales of 20% compared to 2020, those of iPads increased by 33% in Western Europe. In 2002, iOS’s share of the tablet market was 50%, a rate which is still growing.


Android has managed to expand its footprint in the tablet market. In 2020, it had a global market share of 39%. The diversification of Android tablet manufacturers has played a significant role in its growing popularity. Several well-known brands, such as Samsung, Lenovo, and Huawei, offer Android tablets in a varied price range, thus offering more choices for different audiences. 

Android also benefits from the flexibility of its operating system, which allows users to personalize their experiences on these mobile devices. On the other hand, the huge app ecosystem offers a plethora of options, from mobile games to productivity apps. However, the hardware and software fragmentation characteristic of this OS can sometimes lead to challenges in terms of security updates and compatibility.


Although less common, Linux occupies a specific niche when it comes to tablets. It represents less than 1% of the market from 2020 until today. Students and professionals often use tablets running Linux. This system offers advantages in particular in terms of personalization and security.

Read Also: Android Apps: Recognize Those That Track Users

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