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Tools For Tracking The Positioning Of Your Site On Google

Google updates are recurrent to constantly improve the search engine algorithm, as well as the user experience. Inevitably, they have repercussions on the positioning of Web pages on the results pages. These are re-ranked daily, and you, as a business, can pay the price if you are down-ranked in the search results. We asked our SEO consultants to provide us with the best tools to track your positioning on Google.

What SEO Tools Allow You To Track Your Positioning?

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is an essential tool for managing your SEO strategy. The tool indeed offers a large number of advanced configurations to its users. Google Search Console is also very popular since the data provided by the tool comes directly from Google, which then provides a guarantee of reliability on the part of the service offered by the search engine. Generally, all SEOs use this tool which they characterize as a benchmark. Easy to use and appreciated by the greatest number, Google Search Console is essential for SEO.


SEMRush is very often used by web professionals and digital agencies like Powertrafic. It allows for keyword and competitive research. This tool benefits multi-project management, position tracking and competitive analysis. Although SEMrush is a paid tool and expensive for small structures, it offers its future users the opportunity to test the tool free of charge in a limited way for one month and, therefore, to form an opinion on the tool before investing in it.


Like SEMRush, Yooda is a tool specialized in SEO, but more particularly in monitoring the positioning of a website, carrying out a site audit and analyzing the competition. The tool also offers the possibility of a free trial before benefiting from the paid version, but only for 15 days. Their SeeUrank tool makes them all the more flexible with an analysis of the internal link structure (depth of pages, etc.).

Monitor Tank

Monitoring is a very interesting tracking tool for SEOs. The feedback is indeed very positive. It is a very complete tool. It offers tracking of your website on many search engines in addition to Google (for example, YouTube, Baidu, Bing, etc.). It also offers keyword evaluation to improve your site traffic. You can also follow the positioning of competing sites on various search engines. This tool is perfect if you want to use several requests simultaneously.

My Poseo

My Poseo is a tool generally used to manage its natural referencing. It comprises several internal tools that allow you to analyze your positioning on the search engine, your paid referencing (SEA) and also to carry out complete SEO audits. My Poseo is a paid tool and works on a subscription basis. It is possible to have different types of subscriptions accessible to a varied target. With a 9€ subscription, you can follow the evolution of the keywords, and for 79€, you have access to a complete follow-up of your SEA strategy.

SEO Hero Ninja

This software is perfect if you want to know the positioning of your website about a specific keyword. This intuitive tool makes it much easier to use than other software. The readability of its results is in India, a little more if you do not feel comfortable with the language of Shakespeare. The only downside is that this very interesting tool only works with one keyword at a time. Moreover, this tool is free, so you can use it personally.


You are now ready to follow the positioning of your website thanks to these different tools. Free or paid, they are at your disposal to help you and support you in your SEO strategy. You will then have better feedback on your performance.

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