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Top 10 Alternatives To Asana

When I tried Asana, I commended it as an extraordinary task, the board programming choice that puts project supervisors and their colleagues on fair terms. It democratizes the venture lifecycle by incorporating highlights that advance responsibility, coordination, and participation among colleagues and supervisors while performing project assignments.

Asana, similar to some other stages, has its upsides and downsides. It functions admirably as a coordinated effort device. However, it needs to catch up regarding revealing, planning and invoicing. This strategy is helpful in length. You needn’t bother with these highlights or have different devices to fill in the holes.

If none of these situations applies to the group, Asana is undoubtedly not a decent decision. That is why, as you continue looking for another venture in the executive stage, I’ve assembled a rundown of 10 options in contrast to Asana.

Top 10 Alternatives To Asana

Here are the eight best Asana alternatives available. Each fills one or more of Asana’s holes in function, simplicity, or price, and each is the best in its class. 

Monday. com has fostered an inventive and worked on ways to deal with making, following and executing an undertaking. Where most undertaking the executive’s frameworks try to outshine each other by utilizing similar capabilities and highlights, makes a particular, smoothed-out method for creating, tracking, and executing a task. has constructed its direction structure for activities, responsibilities, spending plans, and visual guides that help better contextualize project achievement. It’s exclusively by including a free form of its application that Asana beats Be that as it may, as you travel through the paid choices, is less expensive than Asana, with per-client charges diminishing as you acquaint clients with the site.

And starting prices are lower for, with Asana’s lowest price being $9.99 per customer, compared to $8.50 per user, per month for If you need more convincing, there are also Monday alternatives.


Easily monitor and organize project portfolios with Project Monitor. The tool helps provide visibility to all portfolio stakeholders across the many current, past, and potential projects, including CEOs, project managers, CFOs, PMOs, and project teams. This is where project portfolio management software comes in handy. In addition to being coordination tools, they help decision-makers to choose the most critical projects and to manage the following objectives.

They provide them with a wealth of knowledge on the progress of the various initiatives. PPM Project Monitor software provides a comprehensive, organized and consistent mechanism accessible to all stakeholders. It makes projects and their progress visible to all stakeholders, making it easier to create roadmaps. You can quickly distinguish priority strategic projects from non-priority projects, allowing you to focus on the tasks that bring the most value to your business. 

The Project Monitor software is well structured, and it helps define the actors’ roles in the project portfolio. It gives them a blueprint of what to do and what results to expect. Project Monitor offers features allowing users to manage and execute projects, such as project tracking, portfolio management, monitoring, resource management, collaboration, budget tracking and risk management.


ClickUp is a project management software among the best free alternatives to Asana. It is an online task and project management tool that has gained much popularity lately due to its rich features and various integrations offered by this application. It offers a hierarchy of different project views and boasts an easy-to-navigate user interface.

It’s simple and clean user interface appeals to most of its users regardless of their industry or team size. Sometimes users are overwhelmed by the many integrations and find it difficult to adopt them, which is justified by their slogan, “One app to replace them all”. However, it is still one of the solid Asana-like apps that offer project management modules. Among its key features are the following:

  1. Task checklist
  2. Define task dependencies and recurring tasks
  3. Work tables
  4. Setting reminders and scheduling meetings
  5. Custom filters and statuses


While reviewing another product, I was reminded how much I loved Jira’s onboarding process. Although the competition only does a little to adapt the user interface to its work, Jira has gone above and beyond to adapt the application to its customers. As soon as you sign up for the app, Jira gives you a step-by-step setup guide, which will help you choose the best management style for your project and show you how to use it. 

This onboarding method is complemented by various support tools, from user manuals to a solid information base. Jira, like Asana, is primarily a collaboration tool. Jira is focused on streamlining the project delivery experience, and as a result, it offers a variety of task preparation and management types. These types include Kanban Boards, Life Path Methodology, Scrum Methodology, Content Management Models, and many others. With two tiers, Jira also outperforms Asana’s paid options:

  1. Standard: $10 per month for up to ten users.
  2. Premium: $14 per user per month

Finally, while Jira and Asana need more financial management skills, Jira has the edge regarding reporting. Asana lacks a robust reporting capability, while Jira has one of the most straightforward and user-friendly reporting features I’ve ever seen, earning it a place in the list of alternatives to Asana. Also, discover options for Jira.


It might be an odd compliment to bestow on a list of Asana alternatives. Still, TeamGantt is an excellent option for building Gantt charts, monitoring task dependencies, and general task management. My article recently mentioned this software as one of the best project management software solutions for using the critical path approach, one of the essential project management techniques.

TeamGantt is at its maximum potential when it comes to scheduling: Gantt charts are diagrams showing a project’s progress. Its Gantt charts and collaborative team schedules are easy to understand and use, and they don’t require a lot of technical skills. TeamGantt also has an easy-to-use workload management feature that, while not as glamorous as Asana’s, prevents team burnout.

However, if TeamGantt is precisely what you’re looking for, all that flexibility comes at a price that’s hard to justify. There is a free version of the online application, but it is limited to three users. Fortunately, the free version includes all the above features plus phone service for the first 30 days. Then the monthly fee for five accounts is $49.75, with an increase of about $10 for each new version.

Active Collab

If you thought Asana couldn’t cut its formula further, ActiveCollab would change your mind. This software offers a similar user experience to Asana, including team workload management, adding tasks at any point in a kanban flow, and ease of general use. However, while it looks like ActiveCollab was able to borrow a bit from the Asana playbook, it couldn’t match Asana’s visual flair.

The ActiveCollab editorial calendar is presented as a kanban view, with columns for topic ideas, assigned writers, in progress, ready to publish, and publish. ActiveCollab could be more attractive, but it offers many features. ActiveCollab could be a more attractive project management tool, but what it needs in looks, it makes up for ease of use and a sizable feature list at an affordable price.

ActiveCollab fills in some of Asana’s gaps, especially in billing and budget management. Although the budget reports could be more visually compelling, their mere existence makes ActiveCollab a great alternative to Asana. ActiveCollab makes up for its lack of an attractive user interface with its pricing. This Asana alternative only offers one leading pricing tier of $7 per user per month, including unlimited projects, tasks, time records, and task dependencies, which is ideal for critical path methodology.

It also offers recurring tasks and a mobile app. Also, if you are looking for more features like workload management, time estimates, and billing, it will only cost you $4 more per user per month. That is alright, considering the long list of features.


Trello is the most user-friendly and efficient kanban project management app I’ve ever seen. It’s the only app I’ve given a perfect ten on my ease of use scale, and it’s also the benchmark against which I judge all other kanban project management resources. When I checked out Jira a few years after using it, I noticed the improvements to the platform, especially the Kanban boards, only to find that Atlassian had acquired Trello during that time.

Trello is very different from Asana, especially regarding task management. Project lists, Gantt timeline maps, and kanban boards are all options for building and tracking tasks in Asana. Trello’s task management is all about the Kanban system. On the other hand, the free edition of Trello performs better than Asana. Although all apps have a free version, Trello lets you have infinite accounts, forums, cards, and collections, while Asana only enables you to have 15 users.

Paid software pricing models are practically similar. Trello’s two paid plans are Business Class ($9.99 per user per month) and Enterprise ($20.83 per user, per month), while Asana’s Premium pricing is $9.99 per user per month, and the Business tier is $19.99 per user, per month.

Air Table

Airtable is the most visually pleasing project management program I’ve ever used and the most enjoyable I’ve had to review for The Blueprint. Airtable easily earns a spot on a list of Asana alternatives. Airtable emphasizes a visually appealing user experience that prioritizes the use of images to categorize and contextualize project activities. Airtable has the fascinating user experience of all the project management platforms.

Airtable has several management tools, including its iconic gallery view, kanban boards, standard worklists, and team schedules, making it close to Asana regarding task management. However, one significant advantage that Airtable has over Asana is the existence of budget templates. As stated earlier, Asana needs to improve in budgeting and reporting.

Unlike Asana, Airtable also has a free alternative with no user limits. The paid version will cost you $20 per month per user. This helps make Airtable a viable option for Asana regarding task management and team sharing.


Freedcamp is a free project management platform that covers all the fundamentals in one kit. Freedcamp has one of the best free project management software solutions I’ve tried so far, and that “free” is precisely why I put it on this list. The free tier of this platform contains all the essential features along with unlimited tasks, storage, and users. Most project management software includes a free version limited to five or ten users and one or two projects. 

Freedcamp’s task management screen allows you to comment on specific projects within a single project. This fact alone makes Freedcamp a strong contender against Asana, but it doesn’t stop there. Regarding paid solutions, Freedcamp also outperforms Asana, with the most expensive pricing stabilizing at $16.99 per user per month, compared to Asana’s $19.99 per user per month. Freedcamp is sleeker than Asana, but its features, price, and ease of use can compete with and surpass its rivals.


The main dashboard of Scoro’s project management apps features metrics of working hours and how they were spent, along with various charts and maps. Scoro’s central dashboard, with all available details, is an enterprise fantasy. Scoro is a user-friendly workhorse that can tackle almost any project you throw at it, earning it a spot on this list of Asana alternatives. 

You can, among other things, create and track projects, view specific tasks in a shared schedule, create project quotes, submit invoices, view team workloads, manage budgets and generate budget updates. Precise. It encompasses all the fundamental aspects of project management, earning it a nine out of ten in my features division. 

The lack of anything special or relaxed kept it from getting a perfect ten. Scoro is not a direct rival to Asana, as this tool is more suitable for the professional environment, while Asana is more suitable for small internal project teams. Scoro’s lowest tier starts at $26 per customer per month, so it can’t compete with Asana on price, but Asana is only worth the complex tasks that some business users will give it; therefore, a compromise to be made.

Features To Consider When Finding An Alternative To Asana

These alternatives don’t have to outperform Asana in every category; on the contrary, they can succeed in those most critical to your business, your programs and your teams. To be considered a competitive alternative to Asana, I’ve defined three main areas where the alternative must match or exceed Asana’s capabilities.

It Is Much Easier To Use

Asana is a user-friendly project management program that prioritizes the team’s interests over the project manager’s. The two alternatives I have chosen for this list are as easy as Asana, if not more.

It Must Include Additional Features

Asana will help the business accomplish much, but it only covers some bases. Asana focuses on the collective component of project management but needs more financial management and reporting capability. Alternatives to Asana that are viable will fill in those holes, resulting in a more balanced and comprehensive project management experience.

Its Price Must Be Reasonable

Regarding project management, the almighty dollar can often be the determining factor in choosing a new technology option. Although Asana’s price is a little high in terms of pricing, if you can find a product priced at or above Asana’s and still has the same or better features, it’s a viable substitute for Asana. If an alternative is priced higher than Asana, it may have a substantial upgrade to the features your business needs.

Read Also: How Does Process Management Work?

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