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HomeBUSINESS3 Open Source Project Management Software Compared

3 Open Source Project Management Software Compared

Picking the proper undertaking of the executive’s programming is fundamental these days. No matter what sort of organization wherein it is utilized, project board programming is essential to adapt to the intricacy of the task acknowledgment.

These days, there are different programming answers for Undertaking The executives. In this article, we will see what an Open Source Task The executive’s Programming is, its part in the project the board, and three notable instances of Open Source Venture The board Programming.

Open Source: What Does It Refer To?

Open Source is a code made uninhibitedly accessible for change and reallocation. Available Source items incorporate authorization to utilize the source code, plan reports, or article happily.

Open Source most usually alludes to the Open Source model, which is the model where Open Source programming or different items are delivered under a separate permit. The utilization of the term was brought into the world in a mix with “programming”; however, at that point it was extended to cover different items.

What Is Open Source Project Management Software?

Project The board Programming is an instrument that permits clients to upgrade project coordination and arranging processes. Programming speeds up and works with the hierarchical parts of work and cooperation inside the venture group, as well as a group working and undertaking plan checking.

Then again, Open Source Programming is programming for which the source code is unreservedly accessible and can be rearranged and adjusted by the client’s requirements. In Open Source Programming, the source code, or base code, is typically accessible for adjustment or improvement by anybody who wishes to do as such.

Anybody can change a product part to upgrade the program or application. Clients who  approach the product’s source code can further develop it by adding highlights or adjusting parts that don’t work accurately.

Project Management Software: Features

The attributes of Task The board programming are not any different either way and are available similarly in a wide range of projects. Every item presented by the market will give an alternate blend of capabilities: the mystery is to find an item that is viable with your particular necessities.

If indeed a task is by and large bound to similar work stages and similar full-scale improvement conditions (material and time assets, spending plan, and so on), it is likewise a fact that the operational strategies, the utilization of staff, the kind of obligations of colleagues, and so forth are not something very similar. Project the board programming, like this, has different elements, yet among the normal ones, we find:

  1. Time management, scheduling, and time tracking: through project management software, it is possible to plan, organize and delegate tasks, activities, calendars, and workflows;
  2. Organization of information and documentation: thanks to the many functions of project management tools, it is possible to edit, manage and organize documents and files. Thus, it can be ensured that no content is lost;
  3. Collaboration between team members: Project Management software can be used to improve digital means of communication. In this sense, through the software, it will be possible to organize and comment on content, manage and assign tasks and carry out revisions;
  4. Evaluation: thanks to the possibility of managing the resources used and creating reports, it will be possible to guarantee the business’s growth and increase productivity through constant control and analysis.

Open Source Project Management Software: Features

The Open Source Initiative (OSI), the non-profit organization that supports the development of open-source software, maintains that any/all open-source programs must, among other things, adhere to the following criteria :

  1. Free redistribution of software;
  2. Source code must be publicly available ;
  3. The software may be modified and distributed in a format other than the original one.

Although the concepts of free software and open Source software have their roots in the basic idea of ​​”free” software (they offer the right to use, study, modify and redistribute it), their goals and philosophies are different, as open Source is a more business-oriented development philosophy. For this reason, the term open source is more palatable to the corporate world.

What Are The Selection Criteria?

This principle shows that good project management software can align with how your company works and evolves. However, we have identified some essential characteristics that guided our choice. These include, for example:

  1. assignment of tasks,
  2. task filtering,
  3. set deadlines, etc.

Furthermore, a good tool should offer at least one of the following possibilities to be complete:

  1. the Kanban method,
  2. the Gantt chart,
  3. the scrum method.

Finally, finishing a venture requires outstanding joint effort and correspondence. That is the reason highlights like archive sharing and talk are gladly received. Reports and other guides are likewise renowned for showing project progress to different partners, during the executive’s gatherings, for instance.

Three Examples Open Source Project Management Software

If you are persuaded to utilize project the executives’ programming but need assistance knowing where to go, sit back and relax! Underneath, we propose a definite examination between 3 Open Source Undertaking The executive’s Programming arrangements. The projects depicted permit you to organize your groups and construct a task.


GanttProject is a free Java software for Project Management developed in January 2003. This program allows use on different operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. GanttProject is particularly suitable for supporting medium-sized projects (with daily activities) in the construction sector.


  1. It allows one to plan a project by creating Gantt-Charts, resource histograms, and PERT graphs.
  2. Work Breakdown Structure, i.e., the description of the project breakdown structure. It consists of a hierarchical decomposition based on the project team’s tasks to achieve the objectives and produce the desired deliverables.
  3. Task hierarchy: sequence by order of priority of the tasks to be performed.
  4. Critical Path Visualization.
  5. Management of work shifts and holidays of human resources.
  6. Project status saving and comparison.
  7. Data saving in XML format (.gan file).
  8. Compatibility with Microsoft Project: Import and export in MPX (*.mpx) and MSPDI (*.xml, XML-based data exchange format from Microsoft Project 2002) formats.
  9. Export the diagram in the following formats: HTML, PDF, CSV, PNG, or JPEG2.
  10. Compatible with WebDAV servers.


  1. The duration of a task can be one day at maximum.
  2. Resource adjustment is not included.
  3. Employee non-working days are not calculated in the schedule.
  4. The software becomes very slow beyond 200 tasks.

GanttProject is usually sufficient to track and monitor the scheme of a project.

Project Libre

ProjectLibre is Java Venture The executive’s programming was previously delivered in 2012 and can be utilized on Linux, Macintosh, operating systems, or Microsoft Windows. ProjectLibre is described as the most appropriate Open Source option in contrast to Microsoft Task. The product is entirely viable with Microsoft Undertaking 2003, 2007, and 2010.

A cloud stage works with a joint effort between project groups and shared projects with the executives by utilizing multi-project assets and worldwide pools. ProjectLibre is appropriate for organizations, everything being equal, is delegated Free Programming by the Free Programming Establishment and is delivered under the Normal Public Attribution Permit ( CPAL ).


  1. It provides functions for creating Gnatt diagrams and PERT graphs.
  2. Enables the use of resource analytics and work breakdown diagrams.
  3. Possibility of Export in PDF format.
  4. Benefits
  5. The software offers an intuitive user interface, is simple to use, and offers complete functionality.


The interface could be more complete compared to MS Project. Sometimes it may need to be completed and updated. For example, it is difficult to change the size of the Gantt view.


Redmine is an open-source project management and bug-tracking software that is highly regarded for its ease of use and quality of customer support. It is a free web-based tool for optimal project management and constant problem tracking.

Redmine allows users to manage multiple projects and sub-projects simultaneously and provides project wikis and forums, as well as a calendar and Gantt charts to enable the visualization of projects and related deadlines. It offers options for time tracking and role-based access control and includes a repository browser.


  1. Support for multiple projects.
  2. It supports flexible role-based access control.
  3. Gantt charts and calendar.
  4. Management of news, documents, and files.
  5. Feeds, email notifications.
  6. Wiki and forum per project.
  7. Time Tracking.
  8. Multiple LDAP authentication support.
  9. User self -registration.
  10. Multilingual support.
  11. Support for various databases.


  1. It is a powerful bug-tracking system with such flexibility that it can be used as a CMS.
  2. Allows tracking of multiple projects.
  3. Includes an issue tracking system.
  4. It has many forms: each challenge that the software proposes indeed has a related post from a user on the forum: it is often easy to find the solution to your problems quickly.
  5. It offers support in 49 languages.


  1. The installation process can be cumbersome.
  2. The source control system interface is excellent but difficult to install and configure.
  3. It does not handle agile tools like Scrum or Kanban boards, so Redmine might not be suitable for your business workflow if you use agile methodologies.

The vast majority of the Open Source tasks, The executive’s Apparatuses, permit you to sort out better and team up decisively without spending much on financial plans. Project the executive’s arrangements are turning out to be more inventive and complete: effective undertaking the board applications can help everybody, both customary and coordinated groups, whether they are engineers or advertising, deals, or imaginative chiefs. Allow these devices to assist you with expanding your efficiency and make your work processes more tranquil!

Read Also: The Six Best Project Management Programs

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