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HomeBUSINESSBuy Or Develop Your CRM: What To Do?

Buy Or Develop Your CRM: What To Do?

When your customer portfolio begins to grow, it is necessary to have tools to establish a relationship of trust with them. This is why CRM is a system that every company must have! It allows you to centralize all your customer exchanges and all the information relating to them. A CRM allows you to gain visibility and helps you choose the most relevant strategic orientations for your activity. In other words, equipping yourself with client file software enables you to boost the growth of your business!

How To Choose The Right CRM Solution?

You have two options: you can develop your CRM internally by choosing your deployment criteria. It is also possible to buy a turnkey, intuitive and documented CRM. To help you in your choice, discover our analysis below!

The Benefits Of A CRM

CRM is a fundamental pillar in the development of a company. The figures are also unanimous: according to a study conducted by LinkedIn in 2016, using CRM tools proved decisive for 34.6% of the sellers questioned and effective for 29.6% of them. Want to know more? Here are several benefits of a CRM:

A Complete View Of Your Client Portfolio

Whatever the size of your clientele, you have an overview at all times;

Simplified Communication

By centralizing the history of your exchanges with your prospects, you immediately identify where they are in your conversion funnel to satisfy them better or build loyalty;

An Increase In Customer Satisfaction

Nothing is more unpleasant than being seen as just a number. A CRM allows you to personalize the dialogue with your prospects. You know right away who you are dealing with;

A Sales Catalyst

Basing your strategy on the individual needs of your potential customers allows you to increase your sales considerably! Did you know? Team leader users sell on average 35% more and 23% faster … but that’s not all! Thanks to our customer file software, the management of your sales and your opportunities are streamlined and optimized;

Save Time

Centralizing your exchanges makes your data accessible to your team in real-time. Daily, it is a real saving of time and, therefore, of efficiency. Need to know a prospect’s phone number or address? Teamleader’s client file software gives you the solution in just a few clicks!

Developing Your CRM? A Choice Specific To Each Company

Is it better to develop your CRM? Knowing your needs, finances and capacity to make your choice is essential.

Develop A CRM In A VASE Or A Startup

Let’s be objective: when we create a company or work in an entity with a small workforce, developing a CRM rhymes with the mission impossible. It is better to turn to an existing client file software without resources, personnel and time!From the start of your activity, managing your customer portfolio as well as possible is essential. Once your business model is well established, betting on these systems saves you valuable time. You can more easily focus on expanding your business, converting your leads, and driving your brand awareness.

Developing A CRM In A Large Company

Is your business increasing? Mastering your client portfolio is imperative. It’s high time to say goodbye to your Excel sheets! A CRM helps you solve various problems, such as:

  1. Customer information is scattered in your offices and on your servers;
  2. Invoicing follow-up, which is sometimes laborious;
  3. The lack of an overview to managing your customer portfolio effectively;
  4. Duplicates and errors due to disorganized communication;
  5. Poor tracking of opportunities;
  6. Difficulties in retaining your customers;
  7. The lack of responsiveness of your teams;
  8. The loss of time and efficiency linked to a lack of automation;
  9. Lack of visibility to make strategic decisions.

Do you have the time, skills and budget to devote to such a project? Great! However, the dilemma persists even if it is possible to develop your CRM. Is it the best choice? Why not consider purchasing client file software instead? To help you choose, compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two solutions.

What Are The Advantages Of Developing Your CRM?

There are several reasons for wanting to develop your CRM: do you already have customer file software that you are not satisfied with because it is too expensive or too complex? Are you a passionate coder? Or do you want a more personalized tool to manage your customer portfolio? The advantages of such a practice:

Lower Costs

Creating client file software may seem more advantageous than buying an existing version. If this is true during the initial development, you should remember that updates, improvements, maintenance and debugging always require specialists. In other words, developing your own CRM does not necessarily mean saving money and resources;

Tailor-Made Functionalities

Developing your CRM allows you to work with tailor-made functionalities. The key: a unique tool that adapts to the needs of your business! However, too much customization makes you lose sight of the primary objective of client file software, namely its readability and efficiency. What is apparent is that you need to learn about your business more. To best manage your client portfolio, follow your instincts!

Are There Any Risks In Developing Your CRM?

If developing your CRM is an attractive solution, it also has many disadvantages  Reinventing The Wheel Admittedly, developing your CRM allows you to create new functionalities and gain flexibility… but are you sure that CRM designers haven’t already thought about that? To be sure, do not hesitate to test several free demos available on the market;

High Costs

For the design of your client file software, you need several resources. Redistributing working time or hiring qualified professionals has an additional cost. The same applies to the acquisition of servers and the maintenance of the system;

Significant Delays

Did you know that developing a CRM can take between 6 and 18 months? This is a significant wait for your business before your solution finally sees the light of day;

Management And Maintenance At Your Expense

Once your CRM is in place, you must also handle updates, integrations and improvements. Which takes time and money;

Security Vulnerabilities

One of the specificities of client file software lies in its security. Indeed, your company often has to manage personal or banking data. In the event of hacking, a CRM developed by you may not prove to be as solid as a pre-designed version… Also, take into account the possible repair costs that result from it;

Difficulties In Getting Started

Developing your CRM involves starting from scratch. It is a good challenge with also significant consequences. Without creating clear documentation and tutorials for your team, your client file software will be complicated for any new user to master!

In conclusion, even if you can develop your own CRM, it is optional to go through it. Beyond the time and investment it requires, take into account the risks. The complexity of maintenance and manipulation, the possibilities of hacking, and the necessary updates are essential elements to consider.

Why Choose An Existing CRM?

Before investing, you must conduct a preliminary study of the risks and opportunities of the situation. This allows you to anticipate the profitability of your choices better. This is why knowing each solution’s advantages is essential, comparing all the offers and trying as many free trial versions as possible.

Anyway, don’t have your eyes more significant than your stomach! If you can avoid a substantial loss of time and unpleasant surprises related to developing client file software, the best option is an existing solution!

The Strengths Of Existing CRMs

Developing your CRM involves certain risks.… But why is acquiring a pre-designed system ideal?

Because It Already Exists!

An existing CRM has many advantages: rapid implementation and operating system within 60 to 90 days. Your CRM gives a new turn to your business without waiting!

Because It Is Secure

At the slightest flaw, the client file software is immediately reworked and corrected by a team of developers. At Team Leader, we do it as an honor to guarantee our tool’s security. By relying on our reliable software, your customer’s data is protected, and you can move forward on your projects with peace of mind!

Because It Is Automatically Updated

Unlike an internal CRM, existing software is systematically upgraded. No need to make any effort or resort to the services of specialists;

Because It Is Intuitive

The CRMs on the market have been studied, designed and tested for simple and intuitive use. Their interfaces are, therefore, readable and easy to use!

Because It Simplifies Change

In-house CRMs often have complex handling for your employees, while market CRMs are strategically designed. Do you need help getting to grips with specific features? Do not panic! Everything is there to make your life easier, from guides to forums to video tutorials. Plus, most of these CRMs integrate with the software you already know and use;

Because It Is Constantly Evolving

At Team Leader, our advisors are at your service. Your satisfaction is our primary goal. This is why we take into account all of your comments to improve our solution.  In summary, modifying an existing CRM system is always easier than creating one from scratch.

Flexibility: The Difference With Team Leader

Teamleader aims to simplify your work, whether you are a startup or a multinational. You can take advantage of many relevant features, whatever your needs and your sector of activity, without developing your own CRM. Discover the benefits of Team leader’s CRM:

Its Ease Of Integration

We know how complex combining a CRM with everyday tools can be. We regularly work on team leader integration possibilities. Today, it already adapts to more than 200 applications and programs. Including both your office and work management software;

Its Dynamic Is Focused On Customer Satisfaction.

With our CRM, managing your customer portfolio becomes child’s play. It is a crucial asset to increase your turnover and notoriety but also the motivation of your teams!

Its Range Of Features

Thanks to Teamleader, add contacts and manage your customer portfolio in the blink of an eye. We also offer great customization possibilities for a CRM that fully meets your expectations. Thanks to the follow-up of your orders, their status and your customer exchanges, always make strategic and informed decisions;

Its Efficiency Gain

Teamleader is client file software accessible anywhere and anytime. What does that mean? The gain in responsiveness and professionalism: more attentive and available. At the office or on the go, always keep your hand! Project management, creation of quotes, automated sending of invoices, monitoring of working time, costs and capacity of your company: an all-in-one tool to devote you fully to high value-added tasks.

You have understood it: customer file software is essential for any company to propel its activity. If many systems exist, developing your own CRM remains a tempting option! Our point of view on the matter? To save time and optimize your processes, the ideal remains the purchase of an existing CRM, robust and adaptable at your leisure.

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