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Can Slow Content And Inbound Marketing Go Well Together?

Slow food, travel, and even slow porn:  taking your time is in fashion. Slow content invites you to slow down the publication pace to offer your prospects higher-quality content. But how can we reconcile this trend with inbound marketing, which requires publishing content regularly to keep leads captive? Are these practices opposed, or is it possible to make them meet halfway? Web Conversion takes stock. 

Slow Content: Less Is More 

Content marketing practice: Slow content means standing out from the mass of published content by offering more in-depth articles. In essence, slow content is opposed to snack content, which promotes the profusion of short content that is not always quality. Snack content communicates what fast food is to catering: quickly consumed and not very enriching, we do not keep a lasting memory of it. Conversely, slow content is comparable to gastronomy: we take the time to taste, which is a more significant investment for the consumer/reader. 

These issues are valid in B2C, as in B2B. The golden rule of slow content? Less is more. We focus on the quality of the content, even if it means reducing the frequency of publication. Indeed, producing quality content necessarily requires more time: you can, for example, carry out an expert interview to shed a different light on a subject, which, of course, takes more time to do than writing a text in such inspiring, broad terms what has already been said on the subject.

Be In line With Readers’ Expectations

Slow content stands out from the continuous flow of information by slowing down and taking the time to think to look at a subject in depth. This qualitative approach is appreciated by readers, who are often overwhelmed – and stuffed – by what we usually call infobesity. Indeed, published content is increasing quickly, but not the reader’s attention. In the same way, consumers avoid fast food and turn to homemade and local food. 

They are fond of accurate information and original content produced artisanally rather than on an assembly line. Slow content is a response to a world that moves too fast, where each content chases the next without any perspective. In a stressful and derailed world where we find ourselves reading articles written with our feet and full of keywords, the human seems to have been forgotten in short content written for Google.

Does this philosophy seem far from B2B issues to you? However, slow content has its place there. Your prospects are at least as demanding as ordinary readers, if not more so, because of their prior knowledge of the subject. It is, therefore, a safe bet that your potential clients will favor a corporate blog, certainly less extensive, but offering around ten quality articles over a blog powered by around a hundred articles half copied and pasted from one to the other. Others.

Is Slow Content Bankable?

And  SEO, you ask me  ? Remember that you can fool the Google algorithm 1000 times, but you can only fool the reader once. There is no point in having increased your web traffic if it is to have a high bounce rate. There is no point appearing in the first results if it means that your visitors will have a low-end image of your business and never return to your site. Content is king, but quality is queen, and she’s always right. So focus on quality!

Are Slow Content And Inbound Marketing Compatible? 

Yes! No one said that content published as part of an inbound marketing strategy had to be of poor quality. On the contrary, to establish your company’s expert position, it is in your best interest to offer content with high-added value. This will allow you to distinguish yourself from the competition and convey an image of authority:  you only speak when necessary on subjects where you are legitimate.

Communicate: At What Pace?

The subjects covered in slow content are generally more in-depth and better selected. So, put yourself in the shoes of your target and seek to respond to their problems. Don’t feel obliged to bounce back on the news, to engage in news-jacking at all costs. Always ask yourself: “What will this content bring to my prospect?”. “If the answer is “nothing,” forget it. Also, don’t get caught in the trap of doing everything like the competition. Instead, let them exhaust themselves in frantic content production while you rise from the crowd and emerge from the editorial cacophony. You will grow out of it!

What Content To Produce?

Speak less to speak better. Once your subjects have been identified, ask yourself how to deal with them. Rather than entrusting the writing to an average editor who will have no other sources than the Internet, rely on the expertise of your collaborators. They are still the ones who master their subject best. On the other hand, no one is a good communicator who wants to…  

This is why, at WebConversion, we take the time to conduct interviews with our customers. We can write engaging, impactful, and genuinely original content from the information collected during these interviews. Thus, our clients draw on their resources, promote the know-how of their teams, and share it with their target, relying on the expertise of an inbound marketing agency. If you want to offer quality content to your target to generate more leads, do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your project!

Read Also: B2B Strategy: How To Grow Your Business On Twitter?

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