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B2B Strategy: How To Grow Your Business On Twitter?

Social media are now widely used by companies that address a professional target. At the same time, it would be a shame not to take advantage of social networks’ benefits: improved awareness, brand loyalty, increased sales, etc. Social media can boost your business if you use it correctly. Integrating Twitter into your overall B2B strategy is undoubtedly a good decision.

Discover here some practical tips for a successful presence on the micro-blogging site. Used by almost 2.5 million people in India ( 2015 figures from the Moderator’s Blog ), Twitter is experiencing strong growth. Therefore, companies are interested in investing time and resources in using this famous micro-blogging platform, allowing them to reach an audience and quickly produce immediate results.

What Is Twitter? (For Those Who Don’t Know Yet)

Before discussing the B2B strategy on Twitter, I want to review this microblogging platform’s basics. Twitter is a social network where users are informed of what is happening worldwide in real-time. Anyone can instantly share information and connect with people or businesses from anywhere. 

Speak with President Barack Obama or with the famous Dior House? It’s possible! With 304 million users, one-third active daily *Twitter allows your business to reach potential customers interested in your offer. In addition, 3 out of 4 users access Twitter via a mobile device * This represents a real opportunity for companies to target their audience anytime.

Understand The Basics Of Twitter

Tweet, retweet, Twitter, followers… So many words that you have to learn to master to have an impact on the platform and be able to interact with users. Here are some definitions that will be useful for you to start on Twitter.


A tweet is a message limited to 140 characters published on Twitter. It can contain text, photos, links, and even videos. Be aware that adding an image or a link is deducted from your authorized number of characters.

And 6: Reply

Whether you click the arrow or reply directly, the “Reply” function lets you comment on a tweet. Convenient for engaging in conversation with your subscribers.


A retweet is a tweet from a third party that you want to take over and send to your subscribers. You have the choice: click directly on the “retweet” button or add the letter “RT” in front of the content of your message.


Want to show that you liked a tweet? Add it to your favorites; this will prove to the tweet’s author that you have appreciated his content. In addition, it will allow you to find it more easily in your list of favorites.


A hashtag corresponds to a word or an expression (written without spaces), starting with the symbol #. This symbol allows users to organize their conversations and easily find all content related to the hashtag’s topic. Inserted here in the text content of the tweet; just click on it to go directly to the results.

How To Use Twitter In B2B?

A veritable monitoring tool, a gold mine of information, prospect database, or after-sales service… So many features are offered by Twitter to companies which, depending on their objectives and their specificity, use the micro-blogging platform differently. So let’s return to the various possibilities that small, medium, or large companies can use to develop their business via Twitter.

Twitter As A Monitoring Tool

Follow the news in your sector in real-time and find out what might interest your customers. Through Twitter Search, the hashtags and lists you may have created on your account, you can find relevant content that will feed your monitoring and that you can relay to your subscribers by retweeting or creating a new article on your blog.

Twitter As An Accelerator Of Your Visibility

Millions of users are at your fingertips! Use hashtags in your tweets to be seen by more people. Nevertheless, if you want to have effective and immediate results, switch to Twitter advertising campaigns. They will allow you to target your audience and reach your future customers. With a budget defined beforehand, you can attract the most relevant subscribers. So be sure to target your campaign well. (geolocation, interests, profession, age, gender, etc.).

Twitter As Customer Service

The platform can also be used quickly and efficiently to respond to customers. Technical questions or after-sales service using Twitter will facilitate your customer relationship.

Twitter As A Way To Connect With Influencers

Who hasn’t dreamed of being in contact with VIP people who are generally not accessible? On Twitter, whether small or large, you can access all possible connections and reach influential people in your sector. What boosts your visibility and makes you a beautiful address book?

Some Tips For A Successful Presence On Twitter

There is no secret: to attract your subscribers, you must be able to animate your account regularly to have significant results.

  1. Post regularly: Twitter is a platform where thousands of tweets are published daily. To be attractive, you must publish in the ideal several times a week or even every day. If your account is inactive, you will quickly lose followers because they will no longer see the point of following you.
  2. Bring added value to your publications: your customers are professionals, so you must publish content that interests them. Relevant content, quality information, exclusive offers, etc., be sure to meet their expectations in a targeted and effective manner.
  3. Engage your subscribers: Publishing your articles is not enough. Remember to vary your publications by asking your subscribers for their opinion by retweeting messages that you consider relevant from third parties, for example.

Finally, depending on your goals, you can open several Twitter accounts. For example, if your business operates in multiple countries, you might consider opening a Twitter account for each country. In the same spirit, if your activity is segmented between B2B and B2C, it would be interesting to create two Twitter accounts: one intended for your professional community and the other dedicated to end consumers. 

Think carefully about this strategy, as it takes time and resources. Depending on the size of your company, its market, or its clientele, it’s up to you to decide whether setting up a multi-account is relevant for your business. These few essential tips will allow you to start your presence on Twitter. 

However, the success of your community management may require specific skills, especially if you decide to embark on Twitter advertising campaigns. Maximizing the performance of your advertising campaigns and being supported over the medium or long term can make a difference. What if we together determined the best strategy to optimize your visibility on Twitter?

Read Also: HR Digitization: These New Practices Save You Time

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