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Community Management: Strategy On Facebook And Twitter?

Social networks are now part of the daily life of Internet users! This new booming market is an essential source of profit for advertisers who must assert their presence there. In this, you need to know how to understand each network’s specificities and evolutions. Community management, a new component of digital strategies, makes it possible to manage and optimize this presence. Facebook and Twitter are the two largest networks, the proper management of which will influence the notoriety and image of your company.

An Essential Dimension Of Your Digital Strategy

Community management consists of managing the presence of your brand or organization on social networks and community spaces. More concretely, it is about managing your e-reputation, engaging and maintaining a close dialogue with your community, and promoting your brand, products, and services. Whether you are in BtoB or BtoC, community management remains a success factor!

It is, therefore, not only a question of sending and responding to comments on the various networks. You must set up a real community management strategy specific to each network. Social networks’ instantaneous or almost instantaneous nature allows the rapid dissemination and propagation of your messages. 

However, the community manager spends his time “walking on eggshells” since the slightest slippage can affect your entire company! To ensure positive results, it is essential to set goals such as: improving your image, increasing your notoriety, increasing customer engagement, providing after-sales service, etc. It is advisable to select short and long-term goals.

Defining an effective community management strategy necessarily involves creating (if not already done) a Facebook page and a Twitter account. You have to know how to communicate beyond the areas of interest of your brand because, as much as brands like Nutella, Apple, or Louis Vuitton, their products may be the main subject of community interest. Still, it is less evident for brands like LCL, Axa, or BIC…

This is why you have to be open-minded and consider that your brand is not the center of interest of a community but rather participates in much broader subjects than those mentioned by your company. It is a job that requires a perfect knowledge of the different networks and their specificities and the methodology to manage your communities effectively.

Community Management On Facebook…

To optimize your community management on Facebook and manage your e-reputation, it is necessary to identify the particularities of the network and, in particular, the type of communities there. Two main axes are to be exploited:

  1. Develop an adapted and unique content strategy.
  2. Take advantage of the platform’s functionalities (in particular, the paid function with sponsored publications).

Five tips to apply on Facebook:

  1. Challenge and interest Internet users to make them act (share, comment, like). Call-to-Action buttons allow Facebook to obtain more conversions if they are well-positioned and aligned with your content.
  2. Use Facebook Ad features such as custom audience creation: this will enable you to identify people who are already interested in your brand to facilitate interaction between you and your community through more personalized actions.
  3. I prefer video; it’s the format that works best! You can also mount your video campaigns.
  4. Adapt your content strategy to your Facebook community. Offer less “promotional” content and more fun, relevant, viral, and interactive. You have to teach your fans things and know how to amuse them!
  5. The image remains the master format on Facebook. You should permanently attach a visual to your text content to facilitate interaction. Users love pictures, so don’t hesitate to give them some!

…And, On Twitter

Today, Twitter has 6 million users in India, which makes it an essential source of traffic and popularity for your company. It’s a great way to get closer to your customers and maintain good relationships. Twitter and other networks like Facebook should be used for a multi-channel strategy. This is also part of the role of the community manager. You must know how to maintain consistency between the different networks you are present in.

Twitter being the network of immediacy and short messages (140 characters maximum), interactions are much faster there, thus facilitating conversation. Your communication must therefore adapt! It is necessary to limit excessive advertising messages and encourage exchange.

You must generate interest among users through your account and your tweets. The network is based on a system of followers, and it is strongly advised to follow other profiles having common interests with you to have a better chance of being followed in return. To be effective and responsive on this network, you must be active daily and know how to analyze the news circulating there.

How To Evaluate The Results?

To find out if your community management strategy is working, you must use specific performance indicators (KPIs) that will allow you to measure your actions and get closer to your objectives:

  1. Increasing your community of fans/followers
  2. The engagement of your content
  3. The virality of your content
  4. Converting fans/followers into customers


Setting up a community management strategy is not easy! It is background work aimed at monitoring your networks to control and improve your e-reputation daily. You must know how to be reactive, listen to the news and users, interest them, and amuse them with the right content at the right time. And in this, it is essential to master the different tools and levers that will allow you to achieve your objectives.

For the management and animation of your communities on the Facebook and Twitter networks to create and improve your company’s identity, our community managers define upstream an editorial line adapted to your communication objectives and implement place-structured and coherent actions. We also ensure the moderation of your communities to filter and regulate the flow of comments that could harm your e-reputation. Do not hesitate to contact our experts for all your.

Read Also: Facebook Ads: The Best Lever To Target A Qualified Audience

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