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Construction: Which Site Monitoring Software To Choose?

After closing the previous year with encouraging figures, the construction sector continues to evolve. Indeed, the industry tends more and more to digitalize. Represented by the  India Building Federation, the industry has made its mark and has become an important economic area. The Public Works and Building sectors have long needed to align with the digital transition. However, today these fields see genuine interest and the need for the benefits brought.

The Digitization Of Companies Is A Matter For All

The global digitization of processes has made it possible to maintain the activity of many companies during the Covid-19 crisis. Many projects have been put on hold. To sustain their activity, digitalization was, therefore, a fundamental step to take. Currently, more and more entrepreneurs and business leaders say they are ready for an assumed digital transition. 

Several changes are a concern, such as the commercial model, the exchange of information, productivity, and monitoring of construction sites. Digitization represents a significant asset for these players. First, it allows increasing activity through new digital tools, enabling overall sector growth. There are more and more tools, such as the site monitoring solution, which allow the fluidification of exchanges, the sharing, and the simultaneity of documents. 

The objective is to work remotely and in real time between all employees. The working conditions and the realization of the construction sites are organized, more supervised, and the saving of time is non-negligible. Thanks to these digital tools, the aim is also to prevent the risk of work accidents. Safety is a crucial point in the construction industry.

Focus On On-Site Monitoring Solutions In The Market

 Among the digital tools, the site monitoring solution stands out. It allows the centralization of your sites on a single platform. It integrates a wealth of information and provides access to many personalized features. In the construction sector, once the estimate has been signed, the tasks to be carried out to carry out a project multiply.

It is, therefore, helpful to opt for site monitoring software. Mastering the planning and monitoring of employees is fundamental for good coordination between all the players and for overall and optimal management. Several solutions exist on the market.

 However, choosing which solution is suitable according to the company’s needs is challenging. Discover a comparison of solutions specially designed for the construction industry, with the advantages and disadvantages of each key. Are you not a construction company? Discover our study on project monitoring and time management solutions!


Synchroteam offers a multitude of services on its site monitoring solution. The latter is intuitive, mobile, and customizable according to the needs of each company. Instead focused on purchasing, administration, or accounting, Synchroteam optimizes costs, planning, and file generation. 

This web-based solution is ideal for managing field services, so it is also suitable for the construction sectors in the broad sense. It is the right choice for SMEs. However, the number of users of this solution is limited and perhaps blocking in the longer term on more complex projects.


Onaya has many characteristics, such as its offer’s multifunctionality, allowing it to be in our selection today. India site monitoring solution will enable data to be hosted on national territory. However, it quickly finds its limit regarding the mobility of the solution and its ease of use. 

Although the answer is specialized to meet the specific business needs of construction companies, it does not allow you to work in real-time via an application. Its number of users is limited, which marks the limit of the solution when carrying out more significant projects.


Graneet is a site monitoring solution specialized for construction companies in the conduct of works. A single interface provides overall visibility of the progress of construction sites. Graneet is an India solution offering a non-binding monthly subscription and not applying installation costs. 

The answer is adaptable and customizable. However, it has more of a financial vision than a global site monitoring vision. The goal is to manage your finances better. Regarding mobility, the solution does not have an application allowing remote access and work updated in real-time. 


Kraft is an Indian solution that allows you to visualize and monitor the progress of construction sites. Designed for field teams, this solution is organized like a digital site diary. His particularity? It has the same functionalities as Excel and instant messaging like WhatsApp. This makes this solution a dematerialized data collection 2.0.

 Kraft is a simple tool that the most significant number can use. However, this software has limits when monitoring more complex projects. Many interfaces allow information to be decentralized. The different services are broken down into several pages. Finally, Kraft can make it possible to generate site reports in one click but needs to consider the management of the teams’ working time.


novaTime is the perfect alternative for construction companies seeking to optimize the monitoring of their construction sites. Thanks to this solution, you gain visibility and flexibility. The planning and management of tasks are optimized, and you gain efficiency. Thanks to an intuitive and global interface, you follow the progress of the worksites, maximize the teams’ planning, and consult the worksites while on the move. 

In addition, through a mobile application, the information is updated simultaneously, and you transmit the information to your teams in the field. Do you have a CRM? Associate it with novaTime to obtain functional and personalized software for your needs! novaTime meets your needs and optimizes your working time while being a complete and easy-to-use tool. 

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