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Collaborative Mobile App

Do you want to equip your company with a collaborative mobile application? To facilitate mobility and information sharing, note that NOWADAYS offers several solutions. Here we refer in particular to novaTime, novaLink, and novaDrive. Namely, these tools can meet the needs of companies of all sizes and all sectors: Building, Public Works, and SMEs.

Increasingly Mobile Employees

In India, the world of work is changing. The health crisis and Covid have also accelerated the process initiated a few years ago. Thus, we are witnessing, in particular, increasing mobility of employees. Namely, many companies have operated exclusively in telework during the confinements. And since then, many have partially kept this way of working. More precisely, it is common for some employees to work from home a few days a week. Of course, this concerns only part of the trades.

New Tools Needed

Faced with these new practices, new tools such as  EDM cloud solutions are necessary, particularly to communicate remotely. Indeed, compared to the popularization of mobile work, emails, and traditional calls have many limitations and no longer necessarily meet current needs. Conversely, a collaborative mobile application represents a real interest.

In this case, most employees are now used to exchanging via discussion groups rather than email. At the same time, face-to-face meetings have been partly replaced by video meetings. Sometimes, we see a mix of the two: part of the team meets in a room while some employees participate remotely, by video.

Finally, document sharing has greatly evolved over the past few years. In business, some documents continue to be shared by email. However, this is increasingly done via a Drive. Thus, records are very often stored in the cloud. This allows all employees with access to have the same level of information. 

And above all, it provides access to shared documents remotely from any device connected to the Internet. Do you want a collaborative mobile application capable of meeting the new needs of your business? As mentioned, NOVADYS offers several solutions: novaTime, novaLink, or even novaDrive.

Discover The NovaTime Collaborative Mobile Application

To meet the needs of companies,  NOVADYS  has developed time and task management software. In this case, your company receives many requests every day. However, managers may encounter certain difficulties in responding to them, due to a lack of sufficient visibility on the occupation time of the various employees. Thus, it can lead to poor planning, which can lead to missed deadlines. Employee mobility also adds more complexity. In this context, a collaborative mobile application dedicated to task management is particularly interesting.

The Advantages Of Such A Collaborative Mobile Application

As you have understood, task management software is an aid in planning projects, interventions, or troubleshooting depending on the sector of activity. Such a collaborative mobile application allows managers to plan better and faster. For many executives, this removes a lot  of stress.

There are two main uses: internally, with managers who plan for their employees, but especially externally, with a supplier (Novadys customer) who designs for one of his customers, in most cases. As a result, on the business side, productivity is also better. Indeed, the time saving is significant on the manager’s side. And at the same time, the planning of field operations is truly optimized.

At the same time, the novaTime collaborative mobile application makes it possible to transmit the same level of information to everyone. Collaborators and stakeholders see the same information in their applications. Everyone can thus know at the moment the progress of the projects, the next actions to be carried out according to their priority level, and the deadlines to come. Thanks to precise monitoring, the company can also better measure the rate of productivity and the return on investment.

A Few Details About NovaTime

To meet the two uses involved, the novaTime collaborative mobile application is therefore available in two versions. On the one hand, the novaTime – Intervenor mobile version is aimed at operational teams. On the other hand, the Manager version is aimed at the management team.

Speaker Version

The novaTime – Intervenor collaborative mobile application presents various functionalities adapted to teams in the field. From the mobile, your employees have an overview of the next actions or tasks to be carried out. To clarify, they can have access to all the information necessary to perform them. 

For example, in the case of troubleshooting, technicians can view the customer’s address, name, and contact information and request details. At the same time, stakeholders can annotate comments or additional information on each project or task. If necessary, they can also have customers sign from the application and thus close the intervention in question.

Version Manager

At the same time, the novaTime – Manager collaborative mobile application offers other useful features for management teams. First, the application gives a quick overview of each employee’s workload. Thus, managers can better plan projects, interventions, or repairs. In addition to better planning, this saves real-time. 

At the same time, this task management software allows managers to closely follow each project or task by quickly viewing the next deadlines. Thanks to novaTime, managers, and stakeholders have access to the same level of information. Thus, this tool allows streamlining communication between field teams and managers.

Contact NovaLink

As mentioned, traditional emails and phone calls have lost popularity. The same goes for physical meetings, which have partly given way to video or hybrid meetings (half-video, half-face-to-face). To respond to these new ways of working, NOVADYS offers the novaLink collaborative mobile application.

How NovaLink Works

The novaLink solution pursues the objective of promoting exchanges within companies. To do this, the platform first centralizes several communication tools. This allows you to make audio and video calls. Screen sharing is also possible on novaLink. And the solution embeds an instant messaging system. 

To clarify, employees can also communicate with each other via discussion groups, thanks to the blog and forum functions. At the same time, novaLink provides a single directory listing all the company’s employees’ contact details, skills, and agendas. Finally, note that this collaborative mobile application is compatible with other solutions such as novaTime.

Why Use NovaLink?

First, the novaLink collaborative mobile application enables rapid exchange of information between employees. Discussion groups particularly promote interactions. Then, novaLink truly adapts to mobile work and new ways of collaborating. The possibility of making video calls with screen sharing is undoubtedly the best illustration. Finally, handling the software is relatively easy since the platform is intended to be very intuitive. We have imagined a sober and functional interface based on our experience as a cloud software publisher.

Share Your Documents Via NovaDrive

In terms of collaborative mobile applications, we have finally developed novaDrive. This solution responds particularly well to certain issues related to mobile work. Namely, the storage and access to company documents represent a real challenge in the current context. In this case, access to files must be possible while moving. 

And at the same time, access must be secure to avoid any loss of information. Similarly, document sharing requires real thought to achieve optimal productivity. In this landscape, cloud solutions have become more democratic. Among the existing solutions, novaDrive represents a serious alternative.

Sharing And Storing Documents: The Advantages Of A Cloud Solution

Many businesses have moved to the cloud for document storage and sharing. And for a good reason: such a collaborative mobile application offers several advantages. First, this type of solution allows access to documents on the move from any device with an internet connection. It is, therefore, particularly suitable for mobile work, which is increasingly widespread in India.

At the same time, a cloud solution allows employees access to the same level of information. Indeed, everyone will have the latest version of the file shared online. Other users can view the file in its modified version as soon as a modification is made to the file. Finally, sharing a document on the cloud is much easier than by email. A few clicks are enough to put a paper in the shared cloud folder.

Focus On The NovaDrive Solution

To meet customer needs, NOVADYS has designed novaDrive, which is available in two offers: novaDrive Essentiel and novaDrive Enterprise. In the first case, the solution allows sharing and storing documents online while benefiting from synchronization with all the devices used. As for the Enterprise version, it is more advanced with the provision of a file server securely hosted in the cloud. With this alternative, an administrator of your company can manage the various directories and the rights of each collaborator.

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