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HomeTECHNOLOGYDigital Sovereignty: OwnCloud Plus Server Enter Into A Partnership

Digital Sovereignty: OwnCloud Plus Server Enter Into A Partnership

Digital Sovereignty: ownCloud plus server have now agreed on a strategic technology partnership. The aim is to offer users cloud solutions, that meet the highest requirements for data protection and digital sovereignty. If you want to enjoy the advantages of the cloud and still want to retain complete control over your data and digital sovereignty, you can’t avoid hosting your cloud service. If the necessary infrastructure and operation are not provided in your own data centre, you are well-advised to use an as-a-service model. With the strategic partnership that has now been agreed upon, ownCloud, provider of an open source-based collaboration platform, plus server, multi-cloud data service provider, want to provide companies and public administration with a scalable, complete package.

ownCloud Infinite Scale (OCS) will cover the entire application stack around the topics of content and collaboration, including office solutions, chat and video functions, and IDM (Identity Management). Plus server is responsible for hosting the services, including cloud storage. Test operation has already started, and the first commercial offers should be available shortly.

As-A-Service Offer Ensures Digital Sovereignty

With this as-a-service offer, companies and public sector institutions can take advantage of efficient teamwork in their cloud while saving themselves the administrative effort and ensuring complete digital sovereignty. Both ownCloud and servers are based in Germany and are subject to strict data protection legislation. Legal certainty and compliance according to the GDPR are thus guaranteed. At the same time, both companies rely on open source – anyone can view the program code, check for security gaps and change it if necessary.

“Today, strengthening digital sovereignty and data sovereignty is more important than ever. Cloud services and applications on an open-source basis help to free oneself from the dependence on market-dominating manufacturers and to be able to handle one’s data in a self-determined manner”. “Nevertheless, many companies and institutions in the public sector find it difficult to free themselves from the sometimes decades-long commitment to providers with their closed IT systems. Despite the massive data protection problems that threaten when using US cloud services. Sensitive data is better off with providers, with our offer organisations are on the safe side.”

Digital Sovereignty: Ecosystem As An Alternative To Hyperscalers

The digitally sovereign ecosystem is an alternative to the large hyperscalers and software companies. The use of cloud technologies offers numerous advantages, especially for public administration. Above all, greater flexibility, efficiency, productivity and scalability of their services and processes. At the same time, government applications and data are subject to strict protection and compliance requirements for a good reason. As a provider, we guarantee our customers sovereignty over their data and thus create the legal certainty they need.”

ownCloud’s technology is used by numerous companies and public institutions. With the BayernBox, for example, the municipal administrations of the Free State have their online platform at their disposal. Employees can use this to save, share and edit their data. The infrastructure is operated centrally by the State Office for Digitization, Broadband and Surveying (LDBV). However, each municipality uses its protected cloud instance and thus retains control over the data.

Combination Of Managed Cloud Services And Collaboration Platform

As a multi-cloud data service provider based in Cologne, the plus server group offers medium-sized and large companies the foundation for their digital transformation. With tailor-made system architectures and managed cloud services, PlusServer supports users as a partner. The numerous data centres and other countries ensure digital sovereignty and security. PlusServer is also a founding member of the initiative Gaia-X. The group is also a driver of innovation and value creation for a future-proof and data-sovereign.

ownCloud develops and integrates open source software for digital collaboration. With this, teams can easily access and edit files together anywhere and from any device. More than 100 million users worldwide already use their ownCloud as an alternative to public clouds. You are opting for more digital sovereignty, security and data protection. 

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