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HomeMARKETINGMarketing Funnel: What It Is & How It Can Help Increase Turnover

Marketing Funnel: What It Is & How It Can Help Increase Turnover

Turning a straightforward “visit” to our business or web-based business site into a deal is what all computerized showcasing directors long for. Here, then, are the apparatuses to use to develop the transformation rate further. Any organization, regardless of whether it works on the web, has clients it targets, so it probably fostered a showcasing pipe. 

Yet, what’s going on here? The promoting channel (in a real sense, pipe ) is an optimal portrayal of the “venture” that individuals who don’t realize us make, beginning from the primary data they get about our proposal up to the buy or, in the most pessimistic scenario, forsaking the relationship they have laid out with our organization. 

The channel is one of the mainstays of conventional advertising. Specialists affirm that a similar technique for assessing specialized devices and missions, in any case, can likewise be applied to computerized showcasing for certain essential safeguards, specifically satisfied promoting.

Objectives Of The Digital Marketing Funnel

The objectives of the digital marketing funnel are essentially three:

  1. Acquire new names ( leads ) and prospects (interested in our offer)
  2. Convert these names into customers, pushing them to purchase
  3. Lead buyers to intensify the number of purchases and their value to generate more turnover.

The Pillars Of The Digital Marketing Funnel

Those who deal with marketing must be able to create authentic digital experiences that put the customer (or prospect) at the center of every interaction through ad hoc communication opportunities and personalized content. There are some critical elements of the digital marketing funnel. Here they are.

Exposure (Awareness)

All forms of the promoting channel have as their entry to the pipe (the most extensive part) the period of making the supposed “mindfulness, “i.e., information and contribution to the brand. In customary showcasing, this happens predominantly through promoting. In the computerized one, in any case, the immediate grant of the client in web-based verbal exchange is conceivable (without a doubt, attractive). 

The thought is to empower the individuals who visit the site to share the substance, consequently adding authenticity and authority that the publicizing message doesn’t have. The equivalent goes for web index rankings. For this reason, the openness procedure should go through a blend of Website design enhancement (Site improvement) exercises, valuable to guarantee that our substance can be found in look with the most widely recognized watchwords content showcasing, to make content that the guest will share, and local area. 

The last option, specifically, will add to giving an eminent lift to the “virtualisation” of messages and content internet-based through free, however highly compelling, activities, for example, remarking, sharing, labeling, or posting. On the off chance that this is prepared with standards, the entry to our pipe has been made.


When the possibility has arrived at our institutional landing page, the goal of the showcasing activities becomes “maintenance,” i.e., the capacity to keep the guest on our site however much as could reasonably be expected, empowering him to get back to visit us. The “recommended” is an excellent method for accomplishing the objective. 

This is the sign of items, merchandise, or administrations bought by individuals who have comparative preferences to our own. Actuating this usefulness by buying local promoting programming, for example, Outbrain or Taboola, will be conceivable.


Most online consumers make their purchasing decisions before visiting the store (on and offline). This is why it is essential to clarify all their requests or doubts on the company website.


The digital marketing funnel should end with a purchase. This is why it is essential that, along the journey, prospects are only asked for the information strictly necessary to close the sale. The rest can wait… The conversion rate, or Conversion Rate, is a fundamental marketing KPI, as areCRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) activities.

Customer Relationship

A lasting relationship with your customer can only be achieved if we manage to generate value along the entire funnel. Obviously, this also means finding the right balance between providing value and, instead, becoming annoying for the customer with our messages and proposals.


Being able to retain a customer is essential, mainly because replacing a buyer who leaves the funnel is 5 times more expensive than acquiring a new one. This is why you cannot overdo it with emails and newsletters. Still, you have to find the right compromise between marketing needs and individual sensitivity/availability to receive advertising messages.

Acquire, Activate, And Monetize

In the literature, there are three categories of funnels, divided according to their objective.

  1. Acquisition: designed to generate interest around the business and acquire the most significant number of contacts ( lead generation )
  2. Activation: created to entice the most significant number of prospects or buyers who have been inactive for some time to become active buyers of our products or services
  3. Monetization: designed to generate as much revenue as possible through ad hoc actions conducted on active buyers

The funnel, then, can be divided into many portions, each of which corresponds to the marketing actions helpful in pushing the customer or visitor to carry out a particular activity. Ideally, however, each funnel can be divided into three macro areas: top of the funnel (TOFU), middle of the funnel (MOFU), and bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

Top Of The Funnel (TOFU)

This part, which is the highest (and most comprehensive) part of our funnel, refers to the first interactions with our brand. In the world of digital marketing, these interactions usually happen through online searches. In this section, the most effective marketing tools are pay-per-click campaigns.

Middle Of The Funnel (MOFU)

The marketing strategy, at this level, is aimed at transforming what is simple knowledge of our company and our brands into concrete actions (sales). What matters in this phase of the customer journey is how visitors interact with our company website once they have reached it by passing through the channels defined in the previous step – TOFU.

Bottom Of The Funnel (BOFU)

This is the point of no return in online marketing, the end at which the visitor makes a purchase or abandons the site. The most suitable marketing channel for this phase is the so-called paid search, i.e., paid advertising among the sponsored ads of a search engine, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization, paid-for placement, and other forms of online ADV.

Marketing Automation Applications

A digital marketing plan can be optimized by developing a program that combines inbound marketing strategies, online advertising, social media, and email marketing. To understand the right mix, it will be possible to use some marketing automation software and, more generally, MarTech (Marketing Technology) technologies. 

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