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Project Management Business Methodology

The case: the client is an organization that makes train-stopping mechanisms and has a creation framework to arrange. The executive’s hierarchical unit has recently been framed and needs to qualify the Undertaking Supervisors and set up a venture the board strategy. 

There are issues in beginning undertakings, allocating inward liabilities, and imparting between organization divisions; weekly work progress gatherings with the client should be more coordinated and useful.

PMProgetti’s Mediation 

Toward the start of the venture, we surveyed the association and pointed toward grasping the organization’s specific circumstance, the cycles, and the task the executives approach to set up. A few issues connecting with the Preparation and Control processes arose from the evaluation work.

A pilot project has been recognized to characterize and apply the remedial activities. The remedial activities were isolated into “speedy win” type mediations. Having carried out the therapeutic activities to the pilot project and acquired clear enhancements, the organization executives chose to stretch out the meditations to all organization projects.

Project Management Methodology, Implementation Of Knowledge Management System And Team Collaboration 

The case: The customer is a large company in the ICT sector that carries out projects for companies in the role of a system integrator. The company has over 200 projects underway, and the working groups are located in 4 offices in India.

Since a company quality certification project has been launched, it is necessary to define the company project management methodology and an information system for collecting and disseminating knowledge to support the project groups.

PMProgetti’s Intervention 

At the beginning of the project, we carried out an assessment to understand the company’s context and the characteristics of the projects in progress. For the assessment, we used a proprietary tool. We, therefore, set up the project management methodology following a continuous improvement approach structured in phases, starting from some “rapid” interventions (quick win) identified in the assessment phase.

Regarding the knowledge management system, we studied the main market applications using a proprietary assessment model and evaluated such applications. Subsequently, we implemented the knowledge management system, setting up the company knowledge management system and Team Collaboration. Over 2,000 people now use the Knowledge Management system.

Change Management Programs And Enterprise ERP System Implementation

The case: the client is a leading company in the telecommunications sector and part of an international group. The company has launched a complex program aimed at the objectives of efficiency, rationalization, and company integration by intervening in re-engineering the “core” processes and replacing the current IT solutions to facilitate the effective functioning of the new organization. We have been called to provide support to Program Management activities in direct support of the Program Manager.

PMProgetti’s Intervention 

We have provided the experience and knowledge to set up the program, start the connected phases and projects, and set up and support the Program Management Office. We assisted the Program Director, the Program Manager, and the Head of the PMO in defining the approach and the program’s governance structure. 

Given the complexity of the initiative, the number of stakeholders involved, and the request from the Parent Company to apply the PMI ® guidelines, it was decided to produce the following planning tools: the Program Management Plan, the Risk Management Plan, the Communication Management Plan, and Procurement Management Plan.

We carried out the coaching and training activities through the organization of workshops and the continuous support of the program stakeholders to develop the planning (the structures of the Program WBS, OBS, RBS, Risk BS and the Program Plan, the structures of WBS of projects) and carry out monitoring (progress reporting).

The Program Management system was set up using the Primavera Enterprise tool, facilitating the elaboration of the main program performance indicators. Our intervention focused mainly on medium and short-term program planning and alignment of project plans. 

We have organized workshops to set up work plans and periodic monitoring to check deadlines, identifying and activating the necessary preventive and corrective actions. The program and project management methodology is currently used in other corporate programs and projects.

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