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Social Media: Tips For Effective Content Sharing

The use of social media is widespread in the world today. This trend is also prevalent in businesses. Many of them are implementing marketing strategies focused on these media. One of the most used approaches is to share content. How to share content effectively on social media? Find out all the details here.

What Is Social Media?

Social media is an online platform that brings together many users. They can create, share or exchange information, ideas or even multimedia content. They can also create profiles and connect with other people. They can participate in communities or be interested in services offered by companies, digital marketing agencies for example. It should be noted that social networks can take varied forms. 

For example, you can distinguish photo sharing networks, including Instagram, and microblogging networks, Twitter for instance. You will also find professional networks like LinkedIn or video-sharing networks like YouTube. Social media’s primary purpose is to foster connection and interaction between people, businesses and brands. They significantly impact how information is disseminated, consumed and shared globally.

What Types Of Content Should Be Shared On Social Media?

There are several types of content you can share on social media. Among the most popular are infographics, storytelling, images, videos, quotes and podcasts. Each has particularities that are important to know.


Infographics are practical tools on social media. Indeed, they are known for their ability to synthesize complex information better using visual elements and concise text. This makes them easy to understand. Due to their attractive graphic format, they often generate more engagement on social media. Also, Internet users are more inclined to share and interact with them.

The Image

Images are ubiquitous on social media because they add value. Experiments have shown that posts with images generate, on average, 53% more engagement than those without images. For example, a tweet with a photo on Twitter can get up to 150% more shares. It then becomes clear that images attract users’ attention and encourage more action.


Storytelling is a powerful strategy on social media. It involves sharing behind-the-scenes stories about your company, the members of your team or the process of creating your products.

This approach makes the brand more human and accessible. It also allows you to create an emotional connection with the community. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat also offer specific features for storytelling. This comes in the form of stories. These are short, interactive formats that allow visual stories to be told.

The Video

Video is an excellent type of content to share on social media. Typically, it generates higher engagement than other types of content, like articles and images. It captures the attention of viewers and encourages interaction. The video also lets you convey information entertainingly and clearly break down concepts. It is trendy when it is short.

The Podcast

The podcast is an efficient medium on social networks. People can listen to this item while doing other activities. It allows you to tell stories, discuss current topics or share specific knowledge in an immersive way. Also, unlike different types of content, it does not require constant visual attention. 

The Quote 

Quotes are popular content on social media. Short and punchy, they convey an idea, an emotion or an inspiration in just a few words. They also allow users to share their thoughts and state of mind with their community. Quotes can offer encouragement or support. 

The Customer Testimonial

Testimonials are a goldmine for brands on social media. They act as an external validation of the quality of a brand, its products, or services. This builds prospects’ trust by showing that others have had positive experiences. Additionally, testimonials often spark strong interaction and engagement among the community.

How To Effectively Share Your Content On Social Media?

For good visibility on social networks, it is important to share content. Several strategies can help you do this sharing effectively.

Use Powerful Catchphrases 

Using a powerful catchphrase is an effective social media strategy. Indeed, a good sentence helps attract attention. It arouses the curiosity and interest of Internet users from the first moments. Using a tone that suits the topic and your audience can attract people interested in your sharing. The goal is to provide enough information to pique interest. Consulting your content would help if you made readers want to know more.

Write Captivating Headlines For The Relevant Social Media

You can use headlines to draw attention to your social media content. These play an important role in Internet users’ decisions. About 6 in 10 people rely primarily on the title of your content to decide whether to browse it. Therefore, you need to choose catchy titles. While they don’t guarantee a 100% click-through, they increase the likelihood that people will like and share your content.

To find creative ideas for your titles, you can use specific tools. These include SEOPressor, HubSpot Blog, Topic Generator and BlogAbout. The great thing about these generators is that they generate headline ideas based on keywords or topics. However, you must add your touch to perfect the statements. It should be noted that titles that promise a list of tips, strategies and points to discover attract Internet users. 

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are powerful tools on social media. They allow a broader audience to discover your content. They also help you group your content around specific themes. Thus, users can search and follow discussions or content about a particular topic.  However, for them to be effective, you need to find memorable hashtags. 

It would help if you linked them directly to the content you share or your business. This helps organize and group related content under one label. In addition, Internet users must be able to read or write your hashtags quickly. When these are unique, they ensure that their costs are specific to your content. This also avoids confusion.

Use Images

There are many benefits to using images in social media posts. First, these attract more attention and encourage Internet users to read the content. Images, therefore, act as visual bait for potential readers. This is why posts with images generally get more engagement and tend to be shared more. On platforms like Twitter, it is estimated that posts with images are retweeted 35% more than posts without them. 

To effectively share content with images, you must choose a relevant image related to the article’s content. Indeed, an image that arouses interest while in line with the subject attracts the right readers and reduces the risk of bounce. This means social media users won’t leave your page without further interacting or exploring the content.

Collaborate With Influential People

For effective content sharing, you can collaborate with influencers. The latter often have a large, engaged, and loyal audience. By collaborating with them, you can reach a new audience and benefit from their credibility to promote your content. In practice, once you publish content, influencers share it with their community. 

This boosts engagement on the relevant content, as the recommendation of these influencers can encourage their followers to interact.  Another possibility for collaborating with influencers is allowing them to produce content for your brand. Their expertise and unique style can add value to your publications and strengthen your credibility with your audience.

However, to maximize the impact of your content, you must ensure the relevance of influencers. For example, this means favoring those already producing content related to your theme. This increases the likelihood that your content will be liked. Also, the engagement generated will be of better quality.

Personalize Your Content For Each Social Media

Each platform has its own audience type and content preferences. For example, LinkedIn is focused on professional networking. In contrast, the more casual Facebook is focused on social sharing. Therefore, you must adapt your message to these expectations to capture each community’s attention in a relevant way. 

Additionally, content formats vary across platforms. On LinkedIn, for example, you should favor longer articles or sharing professional news. On the other hand, on Facebook, images, videos and shorter posts are often more effective. It is then up to you to personalize the content for each social network to maximize the impact of your message.

What Frequency Should You Follow To Distribute Your Content?

Platforms have specific lifespans for posts. For example, a tweet’s visibility duration on Twitter is concise, often limited to a few minutes. The constant flow of new publications justifies this. On the other hand, on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook, content can have a longer lifespan. It can be visible for several days, mainly if it generates engagement.

To optimize the visibility of your content on networks, one of the best strategies is to relaunch your content. To do this, you can reshare your post strategically, highlighting it with new comments. Otherwise, you can reuse it in a different form. For example, you can create an infographic from a blog post.

However, finding the right balance regarding the frequency of publishing your content is essential. Indeed, a strategy focused on excessively sharing content can quickly tire your audience. On the other hand, if you do not restart it regularly, it risks quickly falling into oblivion. This is why you must adapt the publication frequency to the average lifespan of content on each social media. This way, you can maintain good engagement without saturating your audience.

What Are The Tools For Distributing Your Content On Social Media? 

Specific tools promote the distribution of content on social networks. Among the most popular is Hootsuite. This tool gives you a centralized dashboard for managing and scheduling publications on multiple social networks. It also allows you to monitor performance in real-time and analyze data in depth. Besides Hootsuite, you can use Buffer. It is a simple and user-friendly application for scheduling and managing posts on social platforms. 

It offers you a calendar that allows you to plan content efficiently. If you are looking for a more comprehensive tool, Sociallymap is the one for you. Sharing content on social media must occupy a special place in your content marketing and social marketing. It then becomes essential to implement the necessary strategies to optimize its effectiveness.

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