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Team Management: 5 Techniques To Coordinate Effectively

I was so scared! When I first took office a few years ago, I wondered if I could manage! If only I had leadership! Was there a magic note to reassure me? Today, I am convinced that there is no universal and magic recipe but unique recipes combining a few tools to accompany it. I’ll give you what I found! And do you think that managing is innate?

Everyone knows the proverb “Alone we go faster; together we go further”; this defines the term team in a company rather well. Indeed, in your business, you need help to do everything, or at least do everything well; it’s just impossible. This is why you need to surround yourself with the right people. 

To guarantee a healthy work environment, you, the manager, must know how to coordinate your teams effectively. Because working in a team can generate enormous productivity gains, and fostering a good atmosphere at work also improves the QWL of your company.

Team management is a tool, a critical skill that a manager must have or develop to manage his team effectively. To ensure good team management, there are plenty of skills to create and techniques to use. I opted for the five that I find the most relevant, but before that, let’s define a team together.

What Is A Team?

A team, in the professional field, is a group of people with several complementary skills necessary to carry out a project or a defined mission. To go beyond the simple definition, this group of people becomes more than a team when there is a sense of belonging and positive synergy. 

This feeling very often generates among these members performances superior to the sum of the individual performances of each member. Indeed, beyond simple skills, working with committed people that we appreciate has a positive transcendent effect on all team members, improving their performance. This is why we say that in a team, 2+2=4 is false but that 2+2 >5 is correct.

Five Golden Rules In Team Management

Managing a team, however, requires knowing how to motivate, energize, better communicate and communicate with colleagues, all to have intelligent decision-making and effective teamwork. To improve team cohesion and stress management, team management can go through different methods, such as management training and planning team building. Let’s discover together the five golden rules for effective team management:

Rule 1: Horizontal Management

No more annual interviews to “know” your employee! To manage a team, you must interact with and know your team. How can you guide them effectively if you’re never in the office with them? You must also be present on the field; you are like a coach of a sports team, you manage the team, and for that, you must create links with your collaborators. Working in a group means having an overview of your entire workforce and showing the importance of each of them to build their confidence and give credibility to your role as a leader of men and women.

Rule 2: Motivate Your Team With Collective Intelligence

One of the manager’s primary roles is to advance the members of his team to help them obtain better results in their missions and projects. Above all, remember that you are an inspiring person; teams are often a reflection of their manager. Therefore, if you are smiling, motivating, and efficient, your teams will do the same, and their success will be yours.

Remember that you are responsible for the proper functioning of this team. Therefore, you must understand the functioning of each employee by showing emotional intelligence and empathy by finding how to mobilize each of them and develop your team management style to bring your team closer to its objectives as effectively as possible. 

Rule 3: Structure Your Team + Common Tool

To structure your team, you must first define a clear objective so that each employee has a precise vision of the work to be provided. Otherwise, everyone will act as they see fit without an absolute common dream, often resulting in a loss of efficiency and time and an unachieved objective. 

Leading a team relies on organizational skills. This is based on rule number 1. By getting to know the strengths and weaknesses of your employees, you will be able to clarify the method and the distribution of work. Analyze everyone’s work organization better to coordinate your staff through agile and strategic management. 

Finally, to structure your team, it is necessary to measure the means put in place and the results, all with the aim of improving the efficiency of the collaborators by adapting the processes to obtain ever more relevant results. 

Rule 4: Energize Your Team

You are the manager, so yes, when something goes wrong or there is a conflict, you are in charge. But team management is not just about managing “the problems”; to give a positive group dynamic, you must find the best communication method with your collaborators.

You don’t have to be super charismatic to manage a team, set up team building regularly, and develop human relations to strengthen team cohesion. Establish local management, and adopt an increasingly popular management method to streamline communication, and participatory governance, listening, a management method highly appreciated by Generation Y.

Rule 5: Stay Authentic

You do not have to play a character. By keeping your personality while respecting your values ​​and those of the company, you will more easily forge links with your team members. This creates a climate of trust between you and your employees. You are neither a robot nor a superman, but a human being also capable of making mistakes; the whole thing is to recognize them and be empathetic, indulgent, and tolerant towards your teams.

However, you must also know how to “show your fangs,” frame and reframe and even say “no” firmly to your teams if necessary. You won’t earn the respect of your units by saying “yes” to every request but by being able to firmly but still politely refuse when necessary. Saying no is a sign of respect for yourself but also for others. As a manager, saying no is showing confidence and asserting your leadership position.

Conclusion: Ensure Good Quality Of Life At Work Through Agile Methods

With these five golden rules, you now know the fundamentals of team management. You are leading change management, leading a team to achieve objectives, reframing an employee, and assuming and convincing others of their decision-making. These managerial skills will make you a good manager. 

To acquire them, you have to experiment in the field. Of course, like everyone else, you’re going to make mistakes; that’s normal! Human relations evolve over generations, and so does human resources management! New managerial challenges are constantly emerging, such as increasing employees’ skills, taking CSR into account within your teams, or even digitizing. To increase your skills in team management, you can learn about diploma or certification training to gain leadership and responsibilities.

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