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The Seven Best Free CRM For Startups

This article will find the best free CRMs for new companies. You are getting everything rolling and need to unify your leads, possibilities, and clients in a straightforward and powerful device. This is ordinary and essential for your securing and dealing tasks system. Today, having a modern CRM is fundamental to working with processes.

 Whether to solicit new possibilities or send legitimate correspondences to current clients, a CRM is at the focal point of an organization, especially a startup. Discover in this article the best free CRM software to support your choice.

What Is A CRM?

CRM software, also called a GRC tool, takes its acronym from Customer Relationship Management and allows you to centralize all the data of your prospects and customers in simple software. This tool is present in all or almost all companies and is vital for the proper development of a startup. Among the main advantages are:

  1. Simplify the distribution of information to your internal customers
  2. Fully master your relationships with your customers
  3. Automate the canvassing of new prospects
  4. Enrich your customer and prospect data
  5. Retain your current customers via segmenting campaigns thanks to the CRM

Many other benefits come from using customer relationship management software. This tool is like a vast customer database where employees can pick up and take helpful information. CRMs are often used by different stakeholders, whether the sales or marketing team or even the support team.

Top 7 Best Free CRM For Startups


Zendesk is a mighty CRM for startups. Indeed, Zendesk initially specialized in customer service via its brilliant chat and ticket management. However, over the past few years, Zendesk has developed a powerful CRM functionality that covers the needs of almost all users. Having the support brick and CRM in the same place seems ideal! Hundreds of businesses use Zendesk, and its reputation is second to none. Regarding pricing, Zendesk CRM starts at €19/month/user and only has a free trial.


Pipedrive is a complete CRM software on the market. Pipedrive has all the essential features of a good CRM for a startup, does some project management, and has an emailing part! This makes it a complete and perfect tool for small teams like startups. Indeed, Pipedrive integrates perfectly with all your other SaaS software via Zapier, for example, which allows you to have a constantly up-to-date CRM. Some of Pipedrive’s main features include:

  1. Self-enrichment of missing data on your prospects
  2. Sales automation through intelligent workflows
  3. Open API
  4. Visual pipeline and kanban

Pipedrive also seems ideal if you want to equip yourself with a powerful CRM at a lower cost! Its price starts at 12€/month/user.

Monday.Com is CRM software and more. Indeed, is a WorkOS; that is to say, it is a very flexible software designed in template mode, making it possible to respond to many use cases, such as customer relationship management. Via smart sheets. With more than 200 different models, will necessarily meet one or even several of your needs. The other significant advantage of is its collaborative side. 

The tool allows startups with few employees to collaborate on multiple projects. The overview side is also a significant strength for This tool will therefore be perfect as a CRM and for managing projects or internal tasks. Price-wise, it beats all the competition with a free forever plan for up to 2 users. The first paid plan is 8€/month/user.

Team Leader

Teamleader is a CRM software that goes further than the others. Indeed, Teamleader is an accurate ERP tool that allows you to manage several critical aspects of the company, such as invoicing, CRM, monitoring of working time, etc. Teamleader offers an all-in-one platform for those tired of having several overpriced software. The leader, therefore, manages several aspects of your business, such as:

  1. Quotes/invoices
  2. CRM (customer relationship management)
  3. Work time tracking
  4. Project/task management
  5. Company Overview

Teamleader highlights the all-in-ubn side of its site and the ease of use. In terms of price, this tool is offered at 50€/month for two users + 25€/month per additional user and has a free 2-week trial.


Hubspot is a complete CRM tool that needs no introduction, as it is well known. Hubspot has many features today and is more than just a sales tool. Hubspot has a marketing, sales, support, operations, and CMS suite. As you can see, Hubspot touches on everything and does it well! If you want to opt for Hubspot’s CRM business suite, here are the key features:

  1. Centralization of contacts and automatic enrichment
  2. View of transactions and the pipeline in kanban mode
  3. Customizable Dashboard
  4. Automation of tasks and prospect reminders
  5. Chrome extender
  6. Integrations with much other software

In addition to the many features, Hubspot has a very generous free plan for the Sales suite, allowing you to store all your contacts for free! Of course, you may be frustrated/limited at some point regarding the number of email templates or others, but the free version is perfect for bootstrappers with a budget. The first paid plan is 414€/month, which is much more expensive than other CRMs…

Close CRM

Close CRM, previously called, is an American CRM software. Close CRM is a very complete customer relationship management tool and offers many exciting features for sales teams (and for managers) This tool has different features:

  1. call-tracking
  2. Email automation via sequences
  3. SMS automation
  4. Clear dashboards

A close is software made for startups since they have many integrations via Zapier or Zoom. In terms of price, Close is available from €29/month/user.


Salesforce is a behemoth CRM programming with an inconceivable standing. Salesforce has every element for CRM, mechanization, and incorporations. In any case, Salesforce is just some of the time reasonable for specific organizations. The cost is now exceptionally high, which is unacceptable for new youngster companies. Furthermore, executing such programming frequently requires a while to set up a framework. For this reason, we won’t be guaranteed to suggest it. Despite the force of the apparatus, you want greater adaptability.

How To Choose Your CRM?

We have recently seen together the best free CRM programming; presently, figure out how to pick yours. Not all CRM programming is indistinguishable, so you should list the required highlights. For instance, do you really want the usefulness of email computerization inside the device, or do you currently have programming that handles this? Do you have to advance your information naturally?

Addressing these inquiries before going any further is fundamental. A fundamental component is the adaptability and straightforwardness of execution inside your group. Will your group need to prepare before being functional? What amount of time does it require to have CRM programming coordinated into your frameworks and functional? For instance, Salesforce is complicated to set up and ought to be away from to save time in the change.

One more fundamental component is the help presented by this product. If you have an issue, could somebody rapidly deal with your solicitation? Do you have a committed CSM? The last point is the cost of this device (which can be costly… ). Not all devices are equivalent, yet evaluating is frequently comparative, with a cost for each client and each month (or yearly). A few proposition accessible renditions, and others pay; the decision is yours!

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