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Employee Experience: 5 Actions That Make The Difference

The employee experience is one of the priorities of HR managers: 62% consider it a long-term strategic issue. Even if the concept has entered the HR vocabulary, implementing concrete actions is more complex. Indeed, the employee experience brings together all the interactions experienced by the employee within the company. A rather broad field of application! But what are the actual expectations of employees? What actions add value to their daily lives? Top 5 actions for an engaging employee experience.

An Inspiring Work Environment  

83% of Millennials perceive the work environment as critical to their productivity. And for 89% of employees, the workspace, in particular, influences their “pleasure in coming to work.” It must, therefore, be thought of as a user journey: ergonomic, fun, intuitive, encouraging exchange, sharing, and creativity. What Should I do? 

First, rethink your spaces: premises, furniture, decoration… Without forgetting to adjust your relationship to working time by offering more flexibility: teleworking and fewer fixed hours. It is also a form of confidence and autonomy that contributes to balancing private and professional life. 

A Corporate Culture Based On Recognition  

52% of employees believe that their skills need to be recognized. Too bad when we know that 81% are more motivated when their manager shows recognition. To do this, transform your corporate culture by infusing more individual and collective recognition. Practices such as feedback are very relevant… 

provided these exchange moments are regular and less formal than a traditional interview. Likewise, valuing efforts or potential over results counts a lot in motivation. This transformation can only occur with the establishment of a new managerial posture close to the coach’s. Remember, managers can explain 70% of the variation in engagement!  

Better Management Of HR Requests 

More support for administrative and HR services is needed for employees. Indeed, slowness in managing payroll or leave/RTT requests, delays in reimbursement expense reports, or even unanswered training requests are unacceptable today. “Symmetry of attention” is also designed for employees through a simplified user experience: an efficient request management process and limited response time.

Providing a digital HR platform dedicated to employees facilitates the management of procedures and personalizes the relationship with employees. Some companies have even launched HR applications or chatbots. Orange has a range of applications available for group employees addressing the main HR requests. 

A More Flexible And Collaborative Organization  

65% of Millennials believe traditional working methods prevent them from developing their potential! This is why new, more horizontal forms of work are emerging and dusting off pyramidal and inflexible organizations. Their advantages? Promote autonomy and individual responsibility, smooth hierarchical levels, and encourage consultation. Danone, La Camif, and Biocoop are the precursors.

Moreover, the best-rated companies on Glassdoor have taken this path: Azalead, a software and marketing services company rated 4.9/5, has implemented horizontal management. Without entering into a reorganization process, you can undoubtedly launch new modes of collaboration that encourage initiative and creativity: intrapreneurship, skills sponsorship, innovation hub, self-management of teams, etc.  

More Transparent Internal Communication  

In the age of social networks and the web, employees demand more transparency from their employers. Communication that needs to be smoother and descending no longer works. What do they want?  More transversality. The idea is to break down internal silos by implementing digital tools such as an RSE (corporate social network), chats such as Slack or Skype, or collaborative tools to accelerate the sharing of ideas. 

It is also a way to establish more participatory communication. This is also a strong expectation from employees: “90% of employees believe that they should be consulted in the development of their company’s strategy.” According to the BVA-bluenose December 2018 study entitled Barometer on massive collective intelligence: where are companies?   Thus, ENGIE, via the IMAGINE 2030 project, launched a significant internal consultation with 150,000 employees to imagine the group in 10 years.  

  1. More direct information. An interesting example: Véolia broadcasts CODIR meetings live to communicate future strategic choices. 

To improve the employee experience, you must act on the central moments of your professional life: recruitment, integration (onboarding), work environment, development, daily team interactions, etc.

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