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HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGERP And CRM: The Duo For Business Success?

ERP And CRM: The Duo For Business Success?

There is a performance optimization solution for all companies, whether private, public, or associative, regardless of their sector of activity and size. Evolving in parallel, the ERP and the CRM are, however, linked since their common goal is to facilitate the management of the company and its relations with its customers.

Business leaders and managers who want to maximize productivity, sales, and performance are encouraged to integrate ERP and CRM into the management of their projects. We invite you to discover how these IT tools can improve companies’ figures.

ERP Software: At The Heart Of Business Management

ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ), or “Planning of the company’s resources” in India, designates a computerized tool composed of a database and multiple functionalities. The latter is essential for administering the company’s activities, particularly for accounting, production, logistics and stocks, payroll management, human resources, and commercial management.

Sometimes designated in India by the term “PGI,” which translates into an integrated management software package, the ERP can comprise several complementary modules. Designed and adapted specifically for each company, this type of system is unique and reliable and ensures data and management operations traceability. 

Its main role is to facilitate the flow of information that circulates between the different departments of a company. Opting for installing and using an ERP is an inevitable step for any company wishing to optimize its operation. This speeds up the automation of tasks and the digitization of the structure concerned.

CRM Software: To Optimize Customer Relationship Management, Including In The Field

CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is software for managing customer relations. It includes exchanges between customers and sellers and all services with an established customer relationship. The main purpose of this software is to help in customer retention. For this, it collects information related to the latter:

  1. phone number
  2. mail address
  3. shopping habits
  4. frequently used payment type

The CRM also centralizes all operations related to marketing and after-sales service. Thanks to the development of SaaS software, it is now possible to acquire mobile CRM software and thus access key information from various mobile terminals, including in the field. This allows all teams to use the CRM outside the company premises. For example, it could be a sales team in charge of carrying out prospecting in the field and equipped with tablets to access information on their prospects and customers.

The Advantages Of The ERP And CRM Duo

Taken separately, these two IT tools are intended to optimize business performance, particularly through managing customer and accountant databases. Their complexity usually leads structures to use them separately. However, they are more effective when combined. Using a CRM integrated with an ERP offers you many advantages.

Improving Data Quality

By using ERP and CRM in combination, you have access to a unified database with twice as reliable information. This allows you to make better thought-out decisions. Cross-referencing the financial, commercial, and social data collected by the two tools promotes the quality of the information.

Increasing Productivity Through Access To Information

In most cases, the combined use of these software makes it easier to find information because the time spent on research is considerably reduced. Therefore, employees have more time to devote to other tasks related to their core business, increasing their productivity. 

 In addition, the teams are more effective and efficient and more committed to the smooth running of society because they have more freedom of action. Finally, sales processes and accounting procedures are faster thanks to automation. As a result, it is often recorded an increase in the rate of customer satisfaction.

Access To An Overview Of Business Operations

The common use of ERP and CRM gives managers a global view of the company’s situation. This allows them to anticipate the future based on past and present data comparisons. For example, it is easier to identify trending products and services and apply the appropriate marketing development strategies.

In the same way, the services or products in decline can be the work of promotions or definitive deletions if necessary. The analysis of figures is also facilitated thanks to the ERP/CRM combination. This makes it easier to control cash flow, the volume of products delivered, the identity of the biggest customers, and the bill collection rate.

Integration Of The Sales Team Into The Overall Management Of The Company

The ultimate advantage of the combination of software lies in simplifying the relationship between the sales teams ( particularly those in the field ) and the administrative staff. Accessibility to financial information will, for example, allow salespeople to be more independent regarding the strategies to adopt to achieve their objectives.

The functionalities of the CRM make it possible to consult the information on the various customers in real-time. In particular, this facilitates support for complaints to the after-sales service. The CRM and ERP duo activates the company’s sales growth and improves its financial health.

Choose A CRM To Integrate With Your ERP

In the current context of digitalization, the customer relationship is a strategic point for SMEs. Since most already have management ERP software, they are looking for a CRM to help them optimize this aspect of their business. 

As these activities are not limited to selling services or products, opting for a CRM equipped with functionalities adapted for the sales force, after-sales service technicians, and contact centers (marketing department ) is advisable.  The ideal CRM should help you prospect, sell and provide after-sales service. There are particular systems designed to improve the user experience further. Easily accessible, they are sometimes directed toward specific company recipients.

The Particularity Of Mobile CRM

Opting for a mobile CRM is recommended to facilitate access to information from terminals and devices connected to the Internet, such as smartphones and tablets. This is a particularly useful addition to sales teams working in the field. This computer tool allows your employees to work from anywhere. They are no longer forced to work from offices. 

Physical distancing is no longer an issue, as employees can reach more people. Using a CRM guarantees customers an improved and accessible service at all times. Some mobile CRM applications, as they have an offline mode, can be used without an internet network. However, the system must be regularly updated to benefit from the most recent data possible. The other advantages associated with this type of software are:

  1. increasing the efficiency of sales teams
  2. reducing administrative costs
  3. simplifying interactions with customers
  4. customer satisfaction thanks to the implementation of personalized solutions based on the information collected by the CRM

Employees must be trained in the tool to give the best results, but it is also necessary to ensure it is as easy to use as possible.

CRM Software For Technicians

Specifically designed to relieve technical service managers and field technicians, this type of CRM can be adapted to any company operating in any sector. If he is mobile, he can accompany the technicians in their interventions. A technician CRM mainly makes it possible to develop and monitor the schedule of workers (making appointments, organizing rounds, monitoring interventions, etc.)

Once in the field, the latter is in contact with the headquarters of their structure and can at any time send data back. Even in areas inaccessible by the Internet, technicians can access the information essential for the success of their interventions. On their return, they can write intervention reports, to which they can add media.

In this case, too, it is necessary to favor using an intuitive and easy-to-handle CRM. Employees must be able to master this tool in a very short time. Easy handling is also useful for customers (in case you open access to your platform to them). This allows them to connect to request an intervention directly, for example.

An Evolutionary Version

Some CRMs are fully configurable. The desktop and mobile device versions can be customized to suit your needs. You can add features, remove those not useful to you, or categorize the information. In any case, opting for scalable CRMs and ERPs is strongly recommended.

 It also allows you to enjoy a greater ROI (return on investment). Regarding the security of your data, ERP and CRM designers usually have several backup plans. Most of the time, the information is kept on remote servers in the cloud. Since “zero risk” does not exist, backup and disaster recovery plans are available online.

Read Also: CRM Software: Tests, Comparison, And Reviews (Update 2023)

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