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HomeARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEGoogle Challenges The ChatGPT With Sparrow Chatbot

Google Challenges The ChatGPT With Sparrow Chatbot

Recently, the most talked about topic in technology is the controversial ChatGPT. Since its launch, many have been impressed by this artificial intelligence. It offers several benefits to its users. However, it threatens some, such as search engine giant Google, which has implemented its AI.

ChatGPT: The AI ​​That Worries Google

Since its launch in November 2022, the artificial intelligence ChatGPT has not ceased to impress the world. It is a tool that offers several features to its users. Within months, its popularity has reached new heights, and even some tech giants like Google are worried about its success. 

The operation of this artificial intelligence is quite simple. To use it, you only have to ask it a question, which will answer you in seconds. His answers are often clear and precise. Moreover, it is an AI that can converse with a human. Its main role is to answer your questions in simple language.

This feature answers all questions and is the source of Google’s concerns. The role of a search engine such as Google is also to answer questions from Internet users. For this, it directs you to links that can answer you. However, the ChatGPT artificial intelligence answers all questions directly without directing you to a link. This is what seriously worries search engines.

To better understand the real problem, you should know that this artificial intelligence feature is attracting more and more Internet users. He is faster and more precise in his answers. However, this is not advantageous because you cannot compare his answers with other sources of information. The best solution remains the search engines which allow you to have several sources to compare.

Sparrow: Google’s Answer To ChatGPT

ChatGPT artificial intelligence has the potential to compete with Google, as it can provide data similar to what Google offers to users. The results generated by the artificial intelligence are well organized and correspond to the users’ queries. In response to this innovation, Google plans to launch its artificial intelligence, Sparrow. ( see Deepmind article of September 22, 2022 – Building safer dialogue agents )

AI: Google Wants To Reassure At All Costs

Sparrow is an artificial intelligence set up by DeepMind. This represents the first response from the Google search engine to ChatGPT. This technology is primarily known for creating the AlphaGo game program. Sparrow’s goal is to produce computer code. The first results of this artificial intelligence were announced last September. DeepMind’s Chinchilla language model serves as the basis for Sparrow, and this artificial intelligence has fewer parameters than other AIs developed by OpenAI. With this language model, Google’s AI may surpass ChatGPT’s.

Sparrow Private Beta Available In 2023

Demis Hassabis, co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, said in an interview that the AI ​​Sparrow will be deployed sometime in 2023. However, considering the evolution of ChatGPT, it can be said that the decision is a bit late. It will be very difficult for Sparrow to surpass ChatGPT. However, senior officials at DeepMind are considering other possibilities before deploying their AI. They reflect on the possibility of waiting to analyze the risks of artificial intelligence better. They are also considering the possibility of directly competing with artificial intelligence ChatGPT. All this represents a major challenge for the Google search engine.

How Does Sparrow Artificial Intelligence Work?

Finding the key to success in a dialogue is the main challenge of implementing artificial intelligence. To solve this problem, the founders of Sparrow and DeepMind adopted a different training method based on human feedback. Sparrow, for example, is trained using feedback from study participants, which helps create a model for evaluating the responses’ relevance. 

Thus, the responses generated by Sparrow are closer to human responses than those generated by ChatGPT. In addition, the founders of the artificial intelligence Sparrow use a method that presents several answers to the same question to different participants. Then they ask them to choose the one they think is the best. Although most of the answers provided by the AI ​​Sparrow are without proof, it can determine when it is necessary to provide proof in response to a question.

IA ChatGPT: Microsoft Integrates It On Its Azure Platform

The launch of DeepMind Sparrow was announced alongside a joint initiative between Microsoft and OpenAI. This aims to integrate ChatGPT artificial intelligence into the various Microsoft tools. Eventually, the AI’s generative chat technology will be available as part of Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI service. 

The last option focuses on organizations and engineers who utilize Microsoft’s Purplish blue stage to coordinate OpenAI application advances. This collaboration follows a broader agreement between Microsoft and OpenAI, which began with Microsoft’s billion-dollar investment in the San Francisco-based artificial intelligence lab in 2019. 

Microsoft has taken an advantage over its competitors, such as Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, by investing a considerable amount in OpenAI. This allows him to become an important partner of the company. Before the artificial intelligence ChatGPT arrived, Microsoft launched the Azure OpenAI service, currently available in beta for the general public, although access is limited due to high demand. Indeed, this limitation is due to the implementation of ChatGPT in some large companies.

Sparrow And ChatGPT: What Are The Differences Between The Two AIs?

Significant differences exist between some features of Sparrow AI and those of ChatGPT. One of the main differences lies in the sources of information. Unlike ChatGPT, DeepMind’s AI provides sources for some of its answers, allowing users to verify the information provided by Sparrow.

Additionally, users can make their interpretation of the information and create unique content. Sparrow offers another important advantage: the integration of websites into its interface. This allows users to enjoy a significant increase in traffic. Additionally, Sparrow AI is equipped with tools that provide users with comprehensive answers and trusted sources.

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