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Instagram Ads Are The Ad Formats To Perform In 2024!

Although competition from TikTok is intense, Instagram Ads has yet to say its last word! Find out how to boost engagement and performance in 2024 with your Social Ads campaigns. With 2 billion active users and 2 million advertisers, Instagram remains one of the most popular social platforms.  Widely prescriptive, it offers a real opportunity to strengthen the notoriety of a brand, engage its community, and generate online sales. What are the Instagram ad formats to favor in 2024? What best practices should you implement to perform well with your Social Ads campaigns? JVWEB shares its best hacks with you!

Image Format, The Classic Of Instagram Advertising

The essence of this social network is the sharing of photos; the classic Image post remains an essential part of advertising on Instagram. It is, still today, the first stone to lay for your campaigns since the Image post allows you to present the brand and its universe. 

Good Practices

  1. Take care of your visuals in terms of graphic quality and their ability to attract attention in the middle of a flood of images. 
  2. Opt for a clear Call to Action that is easy to identify and adapt to the objective of your Instagram Ads campaign. 
  3. Target your audience using Audience Meta Advantage + to gain performance and fluidity. 

Reels Are Fast And Effective!

Deployed in 2021, Instagram Reels quickly found their audience. Not to be confused with classic videos, Reel Ads – sponsored variations of Reels – are distinguished in particular by their vertical format, time-limited to 90 seconds, and distribution within the dedicated tab. The videos can be horizontal, are limited to 60 minutes, and are integrated into the user feed. 

In addition to sponsored Reels, Instagram also offers advertisers the Ads on Reels location, which allows a brand not the originator of the Reels to appear on the video by superimposing an ad. So, for example, we can imagine an advertiser promoting their cake molds on a reel dedicated to the latest trending recipe. 

Good Practices 

  1. Offer a quality visual in a suitable vertical format, ideally with sound to give rhythm to your advertising. 
  2. Get straight to the heart of the matter and capture attention around your offer from the first seconds, which are decisive for user engagement. 
  3. Favor so-called authentic content over something very “advertising,” less and less appreciated by users. You’ll get longer watch times and better engagement rates.    

Video Advertising, A Driver Of Engagement On Instagram

Social media users love video; it’s no longer a secret! On Instagram, video ads generate 21% more engagement than image-only campaigns. It is, therefore, difficult to ignore whether your objective is to develop brand awareness, generate leads, or close sales.  Unlike Reels, Video Ads are integrated into the user’s organic flow, which allows them to blend into the mass of content while benefiting from active attention. A well-thought-out video ad can bring your brand to its target audience!

Good Practices

  1. Carefully select the first image; this will capture – or not – the user’s attention. You must engage your audience! Be careful, however, not to fall for catchy catch phrases that have become caricatures…
  2. As with Reels, explain in the first 3 seconds how your offer can be helpful to your target.
  3. Make your video ad understandable with or without sound. Placed at the heart of the feed, they are often consumed in silence; the meaning should not be altered, however. Subtitles are your friend!

Carousels, The Most Narrative Format Of Instagram Ads

With their multiple images, carousels are, undoubtedly, the advertising format that offers the most space to your brand on the platform. Particularly suitable for presenting several products simultaneously, the carousel displays images one after the other, which immerses the user into your brand’s world. Today, it is still one of the advertising formats that best capture attention and generate reasonable engagement rates. 

Good Practices

  1. Take care of your visual creations and integrate a graphic link between each image to stimulate users’ curiosity to view the following picture. 
  2. Make sure that the title of each slide corresponds to the chosen visual!
  3. Include a clear CTA on each visual to encourage action.

Story Ads, Storytelling In The Spotlight

Instagram fans love stories! The secret of this format is an immersion in your brand’s universe, on the border of advertising, and this famous authentic content so appreciated by users. Essential for your Social Ads campaigns, Story Ads offer excellent engagement rates thanks to their full-screen experience, which, when clicked, leads straight to the destination page. Also appreciable is their great flexibility in the creation since this format tolerates images, videos, and carousels just as much. 

Good Practices 

  1. Diversify formats to offer optimal targeting. 
  2. Adopt organic Stories codes for Story Ads so that your ads blend in with user posts. 
  3. Maximize the impact of your campaigns by providing a landing page optimized for the objective you have set for yourself. 

Explorer Ads, The Engine Of Curiosity!

Perfect for capturing new audiences, the Explore format allows you to integrate your Instagram advertising into the eponymous tab, personalized according to the interests of each user. Thus, sponsored ads can be broadcast from the Explorer home or directly in the feed once the user consults the suggested publications. You can opt for image or video advertising. 

Good Practices

  1. Be more visible than ever! Your advertising aims to catch the retina in the middle of numerous contents, which already arouses interest among your target. 
  2. Multiply the entries, both in location and in hooks, to stick to your target. 
  3. Favor video has the advantage of creating movement that catches the eye of the Explorer home. 

You have been briefed to offer high-performance social advertising for 2024! And remember, if the Social Ads Center is there to manage your campaigns and develop your online business, the Ads Studio supports you on your various creative assets to optimize the ROI of your campaigns. Let’s talk about it!

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