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HomeTECHNOLOGYPerformance Max, The New Generation Google Ads Campaign!

Performance Max, The New Generation Google Ads Campaign!

The improvement of services and the development of new tools have always been at the heart of Google’s strategy. Regularly, new features are offered to users, professionals and individuals. Recently, the web giant’s advertising network has evolved to allow advertisers to use more effective campaigns targeting new audiences. 

The objective is that they obtain more results… and therefore continue to use the control room. Called Performance Max, this new Google Ads service replaces Smart Shopping ads. Based on automation, it gives access to so-called intelligent campaigns. And as its title suggests, it allows advertisers to improve the performance of their advertisements. 

First offered in beta (after successful trials), Performance Max campaigns have been rolled out globally and are open to all advertisers. At Power Trafic, they are part of our daily life since we support our clients in creating and optimizing their advertisements. And after several months of use, we are convinced by the possibilities offered by this campaign, which we will present to you.

What Do You Need To Know About This Intelligent And Automated Campaign?

Accessible from Google’s advertising network, Performance Max differs from other campaigns by its broader scope. Thus, this tool allows an advertiser to run a single campaign across multiple channels, including Search, Display, YouTube, and Discover. This, therefore, avoids creating several and having to manage them separately.

Similarly, thanks to automation, an advertiser’s objectives and audiences are analyzed to generate higher-performance ads and better target Internet users. The most relevant distribution channels are also identified, always considering the initial objectives and audiences. This automation – which works using a “machine learning” model – is the main difference between this type of campaign and the others available on Google Ads. 

Therefore, the metrics – cost per click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR), quality score, conversion rate, etc. – are no longer managed by the advertiser but by the Performance Max algorithm. On the other hand, it is still up to the advertiser to create the campaign by:

  1. defining its objectives (sales, prospects, traffic to the site, for example);
  2. providing the necessary assets such as titles, descriptions and images;
  3. indicating hearing signals.

Then, it is Google that works by mixing these different elements to find the most effective and relevant associations, the channels best suited to the distribution of the campaign and the best conversion rate. In summary, Performance Max does not focus on searched keywords but on audiences. 

Performance Max, What Advantages For An Advertiser?

For an advertiser, there are several advantages to using Performance Max. Of course, you have to agree to let an algorithm manage ads. However, this advertising tool offering better conversions, not controlling everything at the time of a campaign, is a lesser concession.   

More Conversions

With Performance Max, advertisements gain attractiveness, and their targeting is improved. The traffic is, therefore, more qualified, and the targeted Internet users are more willing to buy products and services. And their engagement is done on several platforms, which multiplies the possibilities.

Similarly, the algorithm is based on a “machine learning” model; it learns and adapts to the objectives of a campaign. For example, he can decide to position himself on auctions where competition is high to reach Internet users who convert and spend more. It can also target consumers based on their preferences and intentions. The goal is to increase conversions.

More Complete Insights

Performance Max provides advertisers in-depth reports and invaluable tools for identifying the most engaging creatives and search trends. These reports also help to understand the behavior of the audiences and, thus, to adapt the campaigns accordingly to improve their results and benefit from a better ROI.

Enhanced Visibility On The Google Network

Because Performance Max campaigns run across multiple Google channels, they get better visibility. This also applies to the advertiser (namely the brand, the company), which is an asset for obtaining new prospects and, in particular, Internet users that it would have been impossible to target with other campaigns but also in the event of the launch of new products or services or when a brand decides to invest in another market.

Improved Campaign Profitability

Performance Max’s algorithm determines the best associations between ads and audiences and the most relevant delivery channels that deliver the best results. And since it has a fairly large volume of data, it can identify the creations having the greatest impact on audiences and generating the most conversions, then distribute them throughout the network. Concretely, this increases the conversion rate and the average basket and better the profitability of the ads.

When Is It Useful To Bet On Performance Max?

Before creating a Performance Max campaign, an advertiser must consider its usefulness. This tool is particularly recommended:

  1. in the event of specific advertising objectives, such as an increase in sales on an online store;
  2. to focus on a single campaign, which will be broadcast on several channels, and improve its performance;
  3. to increase the value of conversions and ad coverage without being limited to a search network.
  4. Performance Max is also ideal for advertisers who need more time to personalize their ads.

The Rules To Follow To Have Quality Campaigns

With Performance Max, automation is at the heart of campaigns. This has advantages, but there is also a limit that is important to specify: the advertiser has less control over his ads. Indeed, it just provides the basics for Google. Then the algorithm takes care of the rest. It can be practical, like destabilizing.  However, once this aspect is taken into account, it is possible to take advantage of the many advantages of this advertising tool. And like any service created by Google, there are good practices to follow to use it correctly. Thus, it is necessary:

  1. choose the conversion objective carefully so that it is relevant;
  2. Set a daily bid budget and target geographic locations for campaigns.
  3. indicate enough assets and update them based on reports provided by Google Ads;
  4. specify audience signals that help the algorithm target ads;
  5. keep control of the URLs by filling them in and not letting Google choose them.

It is also necessary to show patience because the expected results arrive after a few hours. You must give the algorithm time to assess a campaign’s performance properly. With Performance Max, an advertiser benefits from a smarter campaign based on automation, with better conversions. This is, therefore, a real asset. However, this also means that it must be configured upstream so that the Google algorithm can subsequently optimize it. This is why, at Power Trafic, we support our clients in setting up their campaigns and offer solutions adapted to their objectives.

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