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What Is An ERP, And What Is It For?

Would you like to manage your business efficiently and each of your activities? With ERP, you can ensure perfect synchronization of data from different branches of your company. It, therefore, represents a solution that integrates several functional components of your company into a common database. Therefore, here is everything you need to know about an ERP!

What Is An ERP?

The acronym ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. In India, ERP is known by the acronym PGI which stands for Integrated Management Software. It is then an enterprise resource planning software. ERP is a solution that aims to unify a company’s information system. This is by integrating the functional components around a single database.

All companies can therefore use an ERP system to plan, manage and support business processes. Thus, you have the ERP platform and the ERP as a service among the existing software solutions. These solutions deal with different areas of the company, namely supply, production, sales or stock management. Several other areas can also be treated between them. This significantly facilitates the management of operating resources.

How Does An ERP Work?

An ERP has the principle of centralizing the company’s database. Indeed, entering or modifying a piece of data in the different modules impacts all the others. The database is then updated, and the changes are applied to the entire company. If, for example, one of your sales representatives registers a sale, the ERP automatically applies the latter to the stock. He also applies it to the sales journal, the general ledger and the income statement. All these operations are thus carried out in real-time.

Why Do You Need To Implement An ERP?

Before the arrival of Integrated Management Software, the various departments of a company entered data manually. This practice was a waste of time because the same data had to be entered by different people. You might also notice data duplication, loss, or tampering. Management controllers were assigned to large companies that did not use ERP then. 

These ensured the verification of the data. However, the loss of profitability was considerable. With Integrated Management Software, you ensure process optimization. You also benefit from reducing the time it takes to manage company data without forgetting that it allows data centralization. Depending on the authorizations granted, these are accessible to all users in the form they wish. The ERP’s objective is to increase the company’s overall performance.

What Are The Necessary Criteria For Choosing An ERP?

The Integrated Management Software market has become very competitive. Several solutions are now available to meet the growing needs of businesses. Your choice must then be based primarily on the needs of your business and other criteria. Among these criteria, you have:

  1. future software developments;
  2. the possibility of installing the software in the Cloud or On-Premise
  3. the size of the company, the activities and the number of employees;
  4. the features offered by the solution and customer reviews,
  5. ease of use, clarity of information and simplicity in configuration;
  6. the mode of operation of the company, the allocated budget and the price of the ERP solution envisaged.

Once you identify your needs, study the different solutions available in the ERP market. 

How Much Does It Cost To Implement An ERP?

The main problem faced by companies wishing to integrate an ERP is the cost of implementation. However, several solutions exist. You can buy an integrated management software package license or subscribe to an ERP platform. However, several parameters can affect the cost. Indeed, you have, for example, the implementation of the solution by the professionals. An additional cost is expected if the entire computer system must be reviewed. 

Moreover, implementing the ERP in a test environment also generates other costs. This is also the case when it must be adapted to the company’s business requirements. An ERP is extremely powerful in optimizing your company’s processes and data management. Nevertheless, there remains a less expensive solution initially. This is why you must consider its upstream implementation to avoid certain additional costs. This preliminary reflection will allow you to analyze the cost-benefit ratio properly.

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