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HomeBUSINESSXing Discontinues Xing Groups And Event Market In January 2023

Xing Discontinues Xing Groups And Event Market In January 2023

Xing would like to give its members more support with their professional orientation. Two famous pillars of the job network have to give way. We are talking about the Xing groups and the Xing event market. The platform wants to scrap the two functions in January 2023.

In an e-mail, Xing Managing Director Sabrina Zeplin addressed the professional network members. The company decided “with a heavy heart” to discontinue groups and the event market.

The world of work is “constantly changing” – and that also applies to the job network, it says. That is why the platform wants to focus “even more” on supporting its members “in their professional orientation” in the future.

Xing Abolishes Groups And The Event Market

January 11, 2023, will be the end for groups and the event market on the platform. The offers were “important and cherished components” of the network in the past. But they would not support the platform’s new focus and tie up too many resources.

With these resources, the company intends to further develop “offers related to professional orientation” in the future. Among other things, a new e-learning program will soon be available for this purpose.

What’s Next For The Groups On Xing?

Xing has created a FAQ area specifically for the deactivation of the groups. From this, it becomes clear how to proceed. According to this, users can create new groups until August 18.

According to the e-mail from managing director Sabrina Zeplin, Xing wants to inform all active group members about the change by e-mail and info banner from this day on. Admins can save the contents of the groups until January 10. After that, this is no longer possible because “all groups and their content will no longer be available after the setting.”

In the future, Xing members should use the comment function on the topic pages in the news area or direct personal contact to conduct discussions. Messages or group chats are available for this.

The Realignment Can Also Be Seen In The Business Figures

Also, on Thursday, Xing’s parent company, New Work SE, announced its business figures for the year’s first half. And here, too, the realignment of Xing is noticeable. Because the pro forma group result went down 1.7 percent compared to the previous year to 24.3 million euros, this result is related to one-off depreciation “which arose in connection with the realignment of the Xing platform.”

On the other hand, the group was able to make decent gains in the area of ​​B2B e-recruiting. Here it went up by 25 percent to 98.8 million euros. Xing offers HR departments in this area “access to the largest pool of talent in the speaking region,” says Petra von Strombeck, CEO of New Work SE.

The new strategic alignment of our group, which focuses on monetizing our recruiting solutions, is already bearing fruit in the first half of the year. This is important in times of a shortage of skilled workers and demographic change. Because specialists and talents are “strongly courted because of rare species.”

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