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HomeMARKETING7 Free Website Widgets You Should Know About

7 Free Website Widgets You Should Know About

Widgets are a handy tool to enrich a website and make it even more usable and captivating: find out which are the most useful free widgets to add immediately to your platform! Anyone who owns a website knows how important it is to make it aesthetically pleasing and usable from the point of view of functionality. For example, an index of the most recent posts might be appreciated by visitors. Or, perhaps, you find it helpful to connect the site and your business’s social accounts. Or, again, you may need to be found on the map. In short, once you have identified which functions to enhance, you must choose among the many free widgets per website. In this article, you will find the most popular ones.

What Are Widgets?

Also known as site gadgets, Widgets are a tool consisting of snippets of information, navigation, and media elements separated from website posts or pages. CRM platforms already provide several free Widgets for use without the need to download plugins or write HTML code. In addition to the basic ones, you can add other free widgets to the website, choosing from the many available. Just install and add – usually with drag and drop – the new functionality in the appropriate area.

Which Free Site Widgets Are Better?

Difficult to think of something you would like to implement on your site for which the developers have not already programmed a Widget. The question is not, therefore, whether or not you will find a particular feature but whether it is suitable for the site. To help you choose, you will find a list of the most common ones below.

Recent Posts

In blogs with a lot of content, the Recent Post Widget lets you view the latest updates and allows users to continue browsing the site. The more time you keep a visitor on your blog, the more likely they will come back to read you, memorize your brand, or take action on one of the highlighted posts.

Social Media Widget

Connecting the site to social networks is essential to increase brand awareness, involve users, and plan promotional campaigns on the various media where your service/product is present. Adding the feed of social accounts to the sidebar and on the site’s posts will entice people to follow you and interact on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or TikTok. Note that all social media platforms have free plugins to download. Alternatively, several Widgets with the same functionality are available.

Contact Form

The contact form is one of the essential tools for lead generation. With the contact form, you can acquire information about users, increase the number of subscribers to the mailing list, and have the opportunity to profile your target audience. Also, in this case, the CRM platforms do not require particular efforts and offer site owners the possibility to install the appropriate Widget for this need.

Map idget

Being found is essential for businesses with a physical location (this is the case, for example, of a shop, a restaurant, or a craftsman). In terms of online maps, Google Maps is the reference tool, and, of course, there is no lack of its free Widget. By applying it on the site, it is possible to be reached by visitors who may be doing a geo-localized search.

Reviews Widget

Why not ask people to vote on your business? Having a customer rating is essential for online reputation and understanding which aspects they like best and which ones need improvement. That’s why you could also consider the one among the various Widgets for reviews.

Image Widget

The free widgets in this category allow you to customize the images to be included on the site. A perfect tool for those who want to give a unique look to their online showcase, optimally showing the products. Some free Widgets allow you to turn images into buttons, add download links, activate a popup, and other impactful features for visitors.

Clock Widget For Website

Lastly, we suggest a free evergreen Widget: the clock to be included on professional sites and blogs. Beyond the utility function, showing the day and time can create a sense of urgency with the countdown. You could use FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) to your advantage when, for example, you create a contest for surfers.

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