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HomeBUSINESSCloud CRM, For A Customer Relationship At Your Fingertips

Cloud CRM, For A Customer Relationship At Your Fingertips

Choosing a CRM in the cloud instead of a CRM installed locally in the company means opting for flexibility, collaboration and mobility to increase the productivity of your sales forces tenfold. But how is it the reference tool for your commercial efficiency? And how to choose it? Over here, the virtual tour. 

Cloud CRM: Definition

You know the definition of  CRM, for Customer Relationship Management, or Customer Relationship Management in French.Cloud CRM, or eCRM, is online CRM software hosted in the cloud on remote servers and accessible:

  1. all over, 
  2. All the time, 
  3. and from any medium (computer, tablet, smartphone).

Several collaborators can connect to it simultaneously, updating the information in real time. In the family of cloud computing, CRM in SaaS mode (Software as a Service) is particularly appreciated for its flexibility: without commitment, agile and collaborative, it is available as a subscription and benefits from regular, free and automatic. In contrast, the CRM installed locally on a company’s servers (an on-premise CRM) is acquired as a license. It is often necessary to purchase updates to benefit from the latest features. 

Cloud CRM Is Much More Scalable And Cutting-Edge With The Latest Technologies

Why Use A Cloud CRM?

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, the e-CRM allows all organizations, from VSEs, and SMEs to the most prominent structures, to optimize and streamline their commercial and marketing operations, such as:

  1. detect and follow up on business opportunities,
  2. visualize the lead conversion funnel,
  3. a segment to better target customers,
  4. manage the commercial pipeline thanks to the dashboard updated in real-time,
  5. generate more sales,
  6. get to know the customer and their omnichannel journey better,
  7. access customer data, the history of their relationship with your company, and update them in a few clicks,
  8. generate business documents (purchase orders, quotes, etc.) on the go.

In addition, the online CRM can connect with your diary, ERP, invoicing and marketing applications for customer relationship automation, whether it is:

  1. to send an invoice,
  2. to follow up on a dispute with the after-sales service, 
  3. to send an email campaign, 
  4. to save the next appointment,
  5. or set reminder reminders.

How To Choose Your Cloud CRM?

Criterion 1: An Intuitive, Easy-To-Use Commercial Application

The online CRM tool should allow you to save time and not complicate your daily work. Do you always have to manually create a new customer record and enter too much data? Run away! Your GRC software must also support your teams in the strategy to follow for effective nurturing throughout your sales pipeline.

Criterion 2: Task Planning And Optimal Commercial Management Of Customers

Are you paying for your CRM services? A good CRM tells you the process to follow in real-time with each customer or prospect. Every day, you must have access to a straightforward visualization of tasks for effective planning management. It is now a question of forgetting a follow-up call or sending an email! Depend on pragmatic contact with the board apparatuses and save time for unadulterated prospecting.

Criterion 3: Precise Customer Follow-Up

Your salespeople’s favorite place is the field. When meeting a client or prospect, they must have easy access to their profile and history. This information is fundamental for them and guarantees better client relationship observation. Keep away from CRMs without a committed, versatile application. These databases must be permanently accessible.

Criterion 4: A Global Vision Of The Commercial Pipeline

The overview is necessary for managers to manage their teams better. By having direct access to everyone’s activity stream, the manager can give valuable advice and ensure better sales force management. This data is also used to establish detailed reports to ensure realistic monitoring of the effectiveness of your CRM strategy and the progress of your sales funnel.

Cloud CRM Examples

What is the best cloud CRM? It’s the one that meets your needs and offers you the modules that your sales and marketing teams will use. 

It could be :

  1. an open-source or proprietary CRM,
  2. a tailor-made, modular CRM, etc.

If the example of CRM Salesforce Sales Cloud often comes up as the market leader, there are many alternatives, like, one of the references to be found in our directory of CRM in SaaS mode.

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