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HomeMARKETINGMarketing For The Store: 10 Tips From International Experts

Marketing For The Store: 10 Tips From International Experts

Running a shop isn’t easy. Here are some tips for tackling the challenge the right way. How to increase the sales of a shop, maximizing the turnover? To answer this question, we rely on the valuable advice provided by ten industry experts: professional solutions to be put into practice every day to ensure the success of the managed business!

Give Consumers Compelling Reasons To Choose Your Store

Those who want to set up a store’s marketing must first put themselves in the position of knowing how to give buyers valid reasons that lead them to choose their store. These good reasons can result in the organization of exclusive events rather than the creation of limited offers or coupons. However, it is not enough to limit yourself to these activities. Establishing a more comprehensive marketing strategy for the store is necessary, allowing you to acquire and retain customers without depending exclusively on discounts or other promotional activities.

In doing so, you need to:

  1. understand who the potential customers are and what their needs are,
  2. study the competition and what it offers,
  3. carefully choose the products and services to sell,
  4. leverage on strengths and prevent or correct any weaknesses,
  5. retain customers acquired.

For this purpose, it is certainly useful to conduct a market analysis.

Focus On How To Sell The Products

To increase sales, you must first focus on how to market the products of the managed business. We start with a double but unequivocal assumption:

  1. Nobody needs what they buy because, in the last 25 years, we have gone from an economy based on the scarcity of goods and services to an economy based on abundance;
  2. Everything can also be purchased through the competition.

Combining these two points of view, it is clear that the only way to thrive within the market to which you belong is to differentiate the shopping experience offered to the customer, offering him that little bit more ability to push him towards his own business.

Take Care Of Even The Smallest Details

Whoever wants to understand how to increase a store’s sales must do everything possible to take care of even the smallest details. Every single activity must be managed with obsessive attention, making the customer perceive the absolute excellence conveyed by the brand.

Keep Doing Research

The success of a business largely depends on the owner’s ability to always be willing to research what they need to improve their entrepreneurial vision and manage business. Staying up to date and aiming higher daily through knowledge is essential to maximize your chances of success.

Push Customers ToTake A Certain Action

Since we are talking about marketing for a winning store, we cannot forget the precious advice provided by the founder of The Lion’esque Group and author of The Pop-Up Paradigm, Melissa Gonzales. She invites merchants to push customers towards completing a certain action at a certain moment. When those who buy have little time available ( scarcity principle ), they are put under pressure by the urgency factor. Therefore, they are more inclined to spend. In practice, you need to give good motivation to act immediately.

Increase Local Notoriety

To increase the sales of a business, it is necessary to be known locally. The successful retailer is, in fact, the one who has, among other things, a certain familiarity with the surrounding community: he has confidence in the people who populate it, knows what the individual wants and is aware of the commercial habits of competitors.

Organize Events

To increase the sales of a store, you must always be willing to propose something new, organizing events that allow customers to keep their interest in the commercial offer high—addressed to her. These events can be larger but organized 1-2 times a year or smaller but periodic (for example, one day a week or one day every four weeks).

Don’t Hide Behind The Fact That You Run A Small Shop

For the founder of Global Purchasing Companies, the owner of a business that aspires to grow must never and for no reason in the world hide behind the fact that he runs a small shop. To succeed, this same owner must give his customers a reason that pushes them to buy and repurchase his business without ever getting tired of doing it. Succeeding in this is possible, for example, when the offer made available to those who spend is useful, unique and limited.

Having An Offline And Online Presence

The success of a store depends both on the services-products offered to the public and on the image of the business itself projected online. This primarily depends on the fact that today:

  1. more than half of shoppers use pre-shop digital tools;
  2. but the vast majority of such shoppers still prefer to shop in the actual store.

We could talk at length about the relationship between online and offline selling. We will limit ourselves to reporting the considerations that emerged from the latest reports: offline commerce retains its importance, even after the dizzying explosion of e-commerce, favored by the Covid-19 pandemic. The physical store is a part of the increasingly widespread multi-channel shopping experience. On the one hand, it is the “stage” where the user can see the products firsthand and buy them later in the online store, from the other becomes the reference for the collection of orders processed online.

Tell Your Story Through The Visual Sphere

The window of your shop represents a sort of invitation for potential customers, be sure to design it by stimulating the curiosity of passers-by. These are the precious tips on how to increase a store’s sales, proposed by ten great experts in the sector: targeted tips to follow to the letter to ensure the success of your business.

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