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Social Ads: 4 Strategies To Convert

The SMA is now almost essential. With 3.5 billion users on all social networks combined, nearly 1 in 2 humans connect to get some news, but above all, to find inspiration, share a way of life, and discover innovative brands. In 2018, investments in social advertising represented $75 billion. A success based on a critical asset: ROI, significantly higher than traditional levers, TV in the lead. Today, 4 already proven avenues to boost your social acquisition.

Tell The Story Of Your Brand Via Instagram Stories

Instagram is one of the most well-known informal organizations right now. There are 1 billion users, half of whom consult stories every day. This format, as immersive as it is recreational, appeals to Internet users. Its strengths are video and a short and very narrative structure. Key factors allow you to create a brand universe with which your subscribers identify.

If stories allow you to attract a wider audience, they are also a good tool for conversions. More than 70% of Instagram users say they have already purchased after discovering the product in a story. Easy to sponsor, reports allow you to target profiles similar to your subscribers, mainly via look-a-like audiences. Some best practices for successful Instagram stories:

  1. Insert hashtags as keywords and brand identity markers. However, please don’t overdo it. Five hashtags are more than enough, according to Instagram itself!
  2. Localize yourself by associating a location with your story, which increases its local reach.
  3. Use the tools offered by Instagram to engage your followers further. Stickers, gifs, surveys, questions … be creative!
  4. Make sure you deliver your stories in the correct format. Visual quality is one of the keys to success on this social network.
  5. Tell stories and showcase your products and your brand. This is the very essence of this format…

As soon as the threshold of 10,000 subscribers is reached, you can directly integrate an Instagram store into your stories and thus encourage direct conversions.

Showcase Your Products On YouTube

2nd global search engine, 1st video engine, YouTube brings together some 2 billion users. On average, they watch videos for 40 minutes each time they connect. An attention rate rarely achieved elsewhere! With its multiple video ad formats, YouTube allows the Internet user to “work” at each stage of the conversion tunnel. In need of notoriety? Give your brand visibility with product-oriented video ads. 

Difficulties transforming? Offer tutorials featuring your products. Is a competitor present? Organize a comparative test of your products to highlight your strong points… Then, all you have to do is promote your video to a qualified audience. By keywords, obviously, but also by interests or intentions. The key to success? Create dynamic, engaging videos with a recognizable brand identity.

Encourage Word Of Mouth Via Facebook

With over 2 billion users and an average of 8 daily connections per person, Facebook is still the most active social network. 26% of Internet users who click on a Facebook Ads advertisement finalize their purchase. 39% follow the brand’s official page, waiting for new offers. As you will have understood, Facebook is a social network designed not only for conversions but also for the loyalty of your audience. 

Through this lever, your customers endorse your brand and act as ambassadors, firm in their recommendation to their community. For successful Facebook Ads, focus on your content. Offer engaging formats with quick access to information. Or, on the contrary, a real technicality. Infographics, blog, video, webinar, tutorial … Here again, use your imagination to stand out from the crowd. The secret? Consider segmenting your content by stage of progress in the conversion tunnel.

Promote Your Brand On IGTV

Initially separate from Instagram, IGTV is now integrated into the application. Easier to use, IGTV has also gained visibility since, now, an extract of the videos is offered on users’ feeds. They then just have to click to view the entire content, which, naturally, increases the number of views… Thanks to IGTV, you can offer higher quality videos than Stories, which are much shorter in format. 

In line with YouTube, IGTV is an excellent lever for adding a pinch of storytelling and presenting your products in context. So, it’s time to integrate it into your strategy! To make your IGTV videos successful:

  1. Respect the native vertical format. Turning your phone is not natural on Instagram…
  2. Keep the format relatively short, between 1 and 3 minutes.
  3. Film your videos with a visually pleasing background. At a minimum, a neutral experience gives a more professional character to your productions.
  4. Add subtitles so your video remains understandable without turning on the sound.
  5. Include the title and keyword in your cover photo.

Video is the future of the web! Take care of your content and build a strategy in line with the expectations of your audience. JVWEB has a center of social media experts to support you with your Social Ads campaigns.

Read Also: YouTube Video Campaign, Five Mistakes That Undermine Your ROI

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