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YouTube Video Campaign, Five Mistakes That Undermine Your ROI

With its 37% market share of global internet traffic, YouTube is undoubtedly the best platform for promoting your video content via a Google Ads campaign. However, the competition is tough! To help you improve your performance, our account managers have listed the five most common errors advertisers encounter. And above all, some tips and best practices to get around them. Watch out, and your video campaigns are about to take off!

Not Targeting Your Audience Enough

On YouTube, as elsewhere, targeting is critical to a successful campaign. However, it is still expected to come across audiences with a narrower angle. If the product, presented via video, can be suitable for the most significant number of people, it is better to expand the audience in stages to guarantee better engagement. Suppose the quality of the content is there, but the performance is plateauing. In that case, it is interesting to study the composition of the audience  more closely to ensure that it is correctly calibrated.

To fix your YouTube video audience, we recommend implementing three simple actions: Analyze your competitors’ audiences: what types of profiles subscribe to content? What are the search volumes? Which formats perform best? Investigate… Broaden your analysis of intentions: you can help yourself with the suggested YouTube search See the demographic details of the audience watching the videos, also from search results

Broadcast On YouTube Without A Specific Strategy

This may be due to the more creative nature of the video, but many advertisers embark on a YouTube promotion campaign without first defining a clear distribution strategy. However, if the objective is not strictly established, it is easier to achieve. Rather than going instinctively and hoping that your video goes viral, it’s better to rely on the data!

So, before putting your video online, it is essential to take the time to establish a distribution strategy in line with defined objectives. How does this video fit into your marketing actions? Is it about strengthening your notoriety, increasing sales, or relaying a promotion? Have you defined a promotion schedule? There are many questions to ask yourself beforehand, allowing you to set the right KPIs to monitor your performance. And adjust the campaign if the results do not meet your expectations.

Tracking Engagement Metrics Only

Directly related to the previous point, a lack of clear objectives often leads to looking at the wrong metrics. Thus, many brands limit themselves to engagement KPIs by monitoring the likes and comments counter. However, a video campaign via Google Ads allows you to go much further in monitoring performance. So, to optimize the reach of your campaign, also consider:

  1. Conversion rate: as soon as you invest in advertising, it is relevant to monitor conversion volumes to know the ROI of your action. This applies to your YouTube campaigns, especially regarding a product or service.
  2. The average duration of views: essential for estimating the attention generated by your video. The average period of ideas balances the number of views and helps you know if your content is finding its audience. The closer this viewing time is to the course of the video, the better the engagement of your audience.
  3. Views/Subscribers ratio: this KPI complements the number of views of your video and tells you about the quality of the audience to which you promote your video. If your video receives many pictures but you welcome few new subscribers, likely, your campaign can still be optimized, particularly in terms of audience selection. Between 8% and 12% view/subscriber ratio, we consider that performance is there. 
  4. To traffic sources: if this data does not directly influence the promotion of your video, it helps you understand which levers give you the best returns.

Overestimating The Quality Of The Content Offered

When, after being uploaded, a video is lost in the immensity of the web, the first instinct is often to look into optimizing the YouTube page in the hope of gaining a little additional visibility. However, while choosing keywords and metadata is essential, they are the only factors that increase quality. It is necessary to remember that it is, above all, the content that can make a difference and help the video emerge.

Before you think about YouTube page optimization – you still need to think about it! – make sure you offer quality content. Concretely, your video must meet a few essential criteria, such as:

  1. Perfectly audible sound
  2. Subtitles
  3. A non-pixelated image
  4. A dynamic montage
  5. Breathtaking storytelling

Writing Tags That Are Too SEO-Focused

Again, to gain visibility, many videos are accompanied by very SEO-oriented title tags. Indeed, the keywords are there, but the desire to click a little less! Even more than on Google Search, on YouTube, it is more interesting to stimulate action than to aim for title optimization. In an infinite flow of content, your video will stand out more with a catchy title where the benefit is readable.

A tag based on keywords is less attractive. However, the click rate is a determining variable in flattering the YouTube algorithm. On this point, reverse your bad habits and stay focused on the user. Implicitly, it is he who will feed your video SEO. YouTube is an excellent lever for strengthening brand awareness and promoting your products. Sometimes, it only takes a few adjustments to reveal your potential; contact JVWEB for expert advice!

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