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Twitter: Potential Premium Features With A Paid Subscription?

The social network would be preparing the release of a paid subscription for its users. Recently, the little “blue bird” of the net has been talked about a lot. Indeed, you are not unaware that it is currently at the heart of many controversies. In particular, because of the umpteenth hack of influential accounts, which took place on the night of July 15 to 16, 2020. 

Apart from a few hundred thousand dollars which were extorted from some of its users, the platform does not come out well. To catch up and, above all, to divert attention to another much more rewarding subject, it has announced in a subtle way the launch of Premium features very soon.

The Implicit Announcement Made By Twitter

It was by reading between the lines of a job offer published by the Twitter group that the news spread little by little on the web. The New York offices allude to the top secret operation codenamed “Gryphon.” The job posting in question here was about finding a full-stack engineer. In other words, a multitasking engineer with skills that can be used both front and back in project management. The offer specified, among other things, that a new team of web engineers had already been formed and was only waiting for this last element that would complete the group, like the icing on the cake.

What The Social Network Promises In This Announcement

First, Twitter promises a team of engineers working closely with each other. The ad also refers to the fact that there are no barriers to entry. In particular, concerning the qualifications of the person the group wishes to hire. It also highlights the universal character and the values ​​that define the company. Then, at the level of the ideal candidate’s profile, the platform does not require any diploma; it just wants to ensure that the candidates are competent in their respective fields and, above all, motivated to realize this project. 

The announcement even mentions the fact that most of the members of the said team are non-graduate talents but passionate and qualified. The offer refers to mastering modern JavaScript language and several other tools such as Webpack, Babel ES6, and many more. It also mentions essential notions to have in Computer Science for this position.

Revision Of The Job Offer Made By Twitter

A few hours after publishing the job offer on the web, Twitter modified the initial version. The American journalist Mattew Keys pointed this out via one of his tweets posted on the thread created and dedicated solely to this news on his account. From now on, the social network no longer alluded to an internal team and even less to this famous desire to add the paid subscription functionality.

The London Office Published A Second Job Offer In The Same Direction

The group’s London hub posted a job offer similar to the first, but now on the LinkedIn professional network. Twitter UK mentions there the instant need for an engineer. Its primary mission will be to restructure “certain Twitter services and produce a form of subscription management.” In any case, if the offers are the only clue we have at our disposal, the fact remains that a company like Twitter never does things without first thinking about it at length. Therefore, the group has voluntarily decided to leak this information on the web.

Our agency specializes in social networks and is always at the forefront of information, dissecting all the digital news topics for you. If the rumors launched turn out to be accurate, Twitter Ads would undoubtedly take a completely different direction in the coming months—relatively excellent news for the platform, which was recording less and less advertising revenue. In the meantime, our entire SMO team supports you and develops with you a strategy to better use this social network in your communication.

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